FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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JSC "RTS Stock Exchange " Weekly Trading Data: August 15th – August 19th, 2005
Date 23/08/2005
During the week of August 15th-August 19th, 2005, total trading volume on the JSC "RTS Stock Exchange" reached 977 million rubles. The second-tier stock turnover equaled 410 million rubles, 42% of the total trading volume.
Futures & Options On The RTS Stock Exchange - Weekly Trading Data August 15th – August 19th, 2005
Date 23/08/2005
For the week of August 15-August 19, 2005, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) increased by 49,4% in rubles and by 20,3% in contracts and reached 20,6 billion rubles and 1,2 million contracts, compared to 13,8 billion rubles and 1 million contracts during the previous week. Total open interest, as of last day of the week, August 19, 2005, increased by 10,3% in rubles and by 5,6% in contracts and equaled 22,5 billion rubles and 2,1 million contracts.
Eurex Expands Equity Index Derivatives Product Range - Futures And Options On The DJ STOXX 600 And DJ STOXX Mid 200 Indexes To Be Launched On 19 September - Eurex Introduces First Futures Contract On Pan-European Midcap Equity Index
Date 23/08/2005
Eurex, the international derivatives market, is set to introduce futures and options on the DJ STOXX 600 equity index and the pan-European midcap index DJ STOXX Mid 200 on September 19 this year.
DIFX Broadens Board Of Directors With New Appointments
Date 23/08/2005
The Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) has appointed six new Directors.
CBOT And SGX To Jointly Explore The Establishment Of A Commodity Derivatives Exchange In Singapore
Date 23/08/2005
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) announced today the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The agreement allows the two exchanges to explore the development of futures and options-on-futures contracts on Asian-based commodities potentially to be traded on the CBOT's electronic trading platform, powered by LIFFECONNECT® and cleared by SGX Derivatives Clearing House.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Monthly Short Selling Value
Date 22/08/2005
Click here to download Tokyo Stock Exchange's monthly short selling value for July.
Standard & Poor’s Announces Changes To The S&P Global 100 Index
Date 22/08/2005
Standard & Poor’s will make the following change in the S&P Global 100 Index effective after the close of trading on Wednesday, August 31, 2005.
Standard & Poor’s Announces Changes In S&P/TOPIX 150, S&P Japan Midcap 100, S&P Japan Smallcap 250, And S&P Japan 500 Indices
Date 22/08/2005
Standard & Poor’s will make the following changes in the S&P/TOPIX 150, S&P Japan MidCap 100, S&P Japan SmallCap 250, and S&P Japan 500 indices effective after the close of trading Wednesday, August 31st 2005:
SEC Charges Two Former Bristol-Myers Officers For Fraudulent Earnings Management Scheme
Date 22/08/2005
The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed civil fraud charges against two former officers of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company for orchestrating a fraudulent earnings management scheme that deceived investors about the true performance, profitability and growth trends of the company and its U.S. medicines business.
Reprimand Against Adecco S.A. By The SWX Swiss Exchange - Breach Of The Duty To Provide Ad Hoc Publicity In Connection With The Postponement Of The Disclosure Of The Annual Results For 2003
Date 22/08/2005
The SWX Swiss Exchange stated that Adecco S.A. has breached the obligation to provide ad hoc publicity pursuant to Art. 72 of the Listing Rules by not having a leak contingency plan in connection with a possible postponement of the announcement of the annual results for 2003. The Disciplinary Commission of the SWX has therefore issued a reprimand against Adecco S.A. and ordered this reprimand to be published.
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