FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
New Zealand Exchange Limited Releases Final Corporate Governance Submission
Date 14/08/2003
NZX wishes to advise that it has released the final version of its proposed Listing Rule changes on Corporate Governance and will be making a submission to the Minister of Commerce within the next two weeks.
Donald Nicolaisen Named SEC Chief Accountant
Date 14/08/2003
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William H. Donaldson today announced the appointment of Donald T. Nicolaisen as the Commission's Chief Accountant. Mr. Nicolaisen will oversee the Commission's accounting policy initiatives and lead the SEC's efforts with national and international standard-setters on critical accounting and auditing issues, including international convergence and efforts to adopt principles-based accounting standards. Mr. Nicolaisen will also work closely with the Pub
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Surveys Made By The Exchange's Committee For Good Corporate Governance Show That Managements And Majority Shareholders Are Positive Towards Good Corporate Governance
Date 14/08/2003
In continuation of the Nørby Committee, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange at the end of 2002 appointed a committee for good corporate governance, the objective of which is to promote the development of sound corporate governance practices in listed Danish companies.
CBOT Has No Plans To Delay Trading Due To NY Power Outage
Date 14/08/2003
As of 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 14, 2003, trading on the Chicago Board of Trade electronic trading platform will open as scheduled at 8:00 p.m.(Chicago Time). The CBOT® open auction markets also will open as scheduled on Friday, August 15, 2003, at 7: 20 a.m. (Chicago Time)
Borsa Italiana: In July, Trading In ETFs Records A New Historical High And A Record Number Of Trades In A Single Session - The MIB Index Grows By 6.7% Since The End Of 2002 And By 21.7% Since The Annual Low - Tender Offers Achieve The Second Best Ever Le
Date 14/08/2003
In July, trading in ETFs recorded a new historical high with a turnover of €198.3 million and, on Thursday 10 July, set a new record for the number of trades in a single session achieving a turnover of €47.3 million. With the conclusion of the operations relating to Telecom ordinary and savings shares, tender offers achieved the second best ever level, with a total of more than €16 billion.
American Stock Exchange Announces Mid-Year Results - Announcement Of Acquisition, Business Gains Among First Half Highlights
Date 14/08/2003
The American Stock Exchange (Amex) today announced business results for the first half of 2003. During the first six months, the Amex reported significant highlights and business developments: An agreement in principle was reached for GTCR Golder Rauner, LLC, a leading private equity firm, to acquire the Amex from the NASD. The Amex Composite Index continued its strong performance, increasing 18% during the period. The Amex added significantly to its growing closed-end funds busi
SEC: Former Tyco Auditor Permanently Barred From Practicing Before The Commission - SEC Finds Pricewaterhousecoopers Engagement Partner Recklessly Issued Fraudulent Audit Report And Engaged In Improper Professional Conduct
Date 13/08/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission today issued an Order instituting settled cease-and-desist proceedings and proceedings pursuant to Rule 102(e) of the Commission's Rules of Practice against Richard P. Scalzo, CPA, the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) engagement partner for that firm's audits of the financial statements of Tyco International Ltd. (Tyco) for Tyco's fiscal years 1997 through 2001. The Commission's Order finds that Scalzo recklessly violated the antifraud provisions of the fed
SEC Staff Responds to Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Auditor Independence
Date 13/08/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of the Chief Accountant today provided its responses to 35 frequently asked questions regarding the application of the Commission's rules on auditor independence. On Jan. 28, 2003, the SEC released new regulations strengthening the Commission's existing requirements regarding auditor independence. See Release No. 33-8183.
NYMEX: Judge Dismisses Four Of Five Counterclaims In Lawsuit By Intercontinentalexchange
Date 13/08/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., was informed yesterday that Judge John G. Koeltl, of the U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, yesterday dismissed, without prejudice, four of the five lawsuit counterclaims made against the Exchange by the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE).
Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For July 2003
Date 13/08/2003
The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 3,702.4 points at the end of July 2003, an increase of 111.9 points from the closing value at the end of June. The weighted index reached 239.07 points at the end of July, an increase of 9.46 points from the closing value at the end of June.
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