FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Record Breaking Share Trading On The Exchange In August
Date 02/09/2003
Share trading in August broke several records. Never before has the trading volume in the trading system been higher. Trading over the trading system totalled DKK 28.4 billion, 13 per cent higher than the most recent record in October 2000. The number of trades effected in the trading system reached 135.187, which is also a record.
CME's Volume Increased 16 Percent Year-to-Date In August; Electronic Volume Rose 60 Percent - New Global Open Interest Record Set Aug. 29 At Nearly 29 Million Positions
Date 02/09/2003
Trading volume on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) rose nearly 16 percent to 423.6 million contracts for the first eight months of 2003 versus 2002. Year-to-date through August, average daily volume stands at more than 2.5 million contracts, a 16 percent increase from the same period a year ago. CME averaged 2.3 million contracts per day in August, an increase of 6 percent over August 2002 levels.
CBOT Fed Funds August Settlement
Date 02/09/2003
The CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract for August 2003 was cash settled this morning at a final settlement price of 98.971, for an average daily effective federal funds rate of 1.029 percent during the delivery month. Please refer to the attached spreadsheet for more information regarding the calculation of this settlement.
CBOE Exchange-Wide Volume Dips 7% In August
Date 02/09/2003
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) announced today that August exchange-wide volume dipped 7%, while total equity options volume was down 6% and total index options volume declined 7% when compared to the year-ago totals.
August Volume & Open Interest - Trading Volume At Kansas City Board Of Trade Sets New August Record
Date 02/09/2003
Trading activity continued to swell at the Kansas City Board of Trade during the month of August, topping the amount traded in July in all contracts and moving closer to 2002 year-to-date volume, which is an all-time record holder.
August 2003 - Euronext Key Indicators - More Than 9% Increase In Share Trading Year-To-Date - Euronext.liffe Interest Rate Products Up 51% Year-To-Date
Date 02/09/2003
Cash products Trading on Euronext's cash markets is up by 8% year-to-date: a total of more than 97 million transactions have been registered over the first eight months of the year. The almost 575,000 transactions registered on a daily average basis since January state a growth of 8.5% on the same period last year. Year-on-year, the daily average number of cash trades is up 1% this month, coming close to 500,000 a day; the total number of transactions, 10.4 million in August, i
Warsaw Stock Exchange: 4.3 mill PLN - Turnover Value During The First Closing Auction
Date 01/09/2003
Today in the continuous trading system a post-auction trading phase was launched. The post-auction phase is activated for all the instruments quoted in the continuous trading system. The value traded today during post-auction phase was 4,3 million zloty. Shares of 42 companies shares were traded.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Changes In Industrial Classifications For Listed Companies
Date 01/09/2003
Based on a decision by the Securities Identification Code Committee, TSE will change the industrial classifications of the companies below, effective October 1, 2003. Local codes (4 digits), however, will remain the same.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Equity Options Position limits
Date 01/09/2003
Neither a trading participant (for its own account) nor a customer may hold an aggregate position in contract units on an Equity Option in excess of such number of contracts units having shares of underlying stock equal to following amounts of combining short positions in put options with long positions in call options of the same underlying stock or combining long positions in put options with short positions in call options of the same underlying stock. 1% or more of the number of al
STOXX Limited Announces Changes To Its Blue-Chip Index Series
Date 01/09/2003
STOXX Limited today announced the results of the regular annual review of the Dow Jones EURO STOXX 50, Dow Jones STOXX 50 and Dow Jones Nordic 30 blue chip indexes. The changes will be effective on September 22, 2003.
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