Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • London Stock Exchange plc Notice Of Annual General Meeting 2005 And Related Documents, Annual Report And Accounts.

    Date 06/06/2005

    Copies of the above documents have been submitted to the UK Listing Authority, and will shortly be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at: Financial Services Authority 25 The North Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5HS

  • JSE Securities Exchange South Africa Weekly Statistics For The Week Ended 03.06.2005

    Date 06/06/2005

    Attached is the weekly report of certain trading statistics. It must be noted that the statistics relevant to foreign transactions only represent transactions executed through the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa.

  • ISE To List Sector Indexes

    Date 06/06/2005

    The International Securities Exchange (NYSE:ISE) said that it will list options on sector indexes as described below. Timber Hill LLC will be the Primary Market Maker for these sector index options which will trade in bin 7.

  • Four Thailand Capital Market Organizations Collaborate To Train Young-Blood Securities Analysts

    Date 06/06/2005

    Thailand Securities Institute (TSI), SETTRADE.Com Co. Ltd., the Market for Alternative Investment (mai), and the Securities Analysts Association (SAA) will co-host a research competition granting prizes that include an overseas study tour and training courses worth over THB5 mln. Qualified applicants will also have a chance to join leading firms in the capital market.

  • EuroMTS Launches EuroGlobalMTS, The Market For Euro-Denominated Sovereign Bonds Of Non-EU Countries

    Date 06/06/2005

    EuroMTS is pleased to announce the launch of “EuroGlobalMTS,” the market for the trading of euro-denominated securities issued by non-European Union governments, in mid-June. This initiative broadens the scope of EuroMTS benchmark markets for euro-denominated bonds, which began with the establishment of the € 5 billion Eurobenchmark Bond in 1999 and continued through, in line with European Union enlargement, to the launch of NewEuroMTS in 2003 for the euro benchmark bonds of the New EU Member St