FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Stockholm Stock Exchange Monthly Report - Derivatives Volumes July 2005
Date 02/08/2005
Click here to download the July 2005 monthly report detailing volumes in derivative trading for Swedish, Finnish, Danish and Norwegian products.
SEC: Extension Of Compliance Date For Rule 612, The Sub-Penny Rule, Of Regulation NMS
Date 02/08/2005
Today the Commission extended the compliance date for Rule 612 of Regulation NMS, the Sub-Penny Rule. Rule 612 will prohibit market participants from submitting quotations or orders in NMS stocks in increments below $0.01, except that quotations or orders priced less than $1.00 may be priced in increments as small as $0.0001. The Regulation NMS Adopting Release established a compliance date of Aug. 29, 2005 for Rule 612. By its action today, the Commission extended the compliance date for Rule 6
SEC Advisory Committee On Smaller Public Companies Solicits Public Input On Ways To Improve The Current Regulatory System For Smaller Companies
Date 02/08/2005
The SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies today published a series of questions to solicit public input from investors and companies on ways to improve the current regulatory system for smaller companies and to examine the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Saudi Stock Market Report July 2005: Index Year To Date Records 60.71% Growth - Over SR 234 Billion Traded In July
Date 02/08/2005
The index for July closed at 13,188.75 points compared with 13,455.24 for June 2005, with a drop of 1.98 %. Year to-date, the index increased by 60.71 %.
RTS Index Futures Are To Be Launched On The August 3rd
Date 02/08/2005
Futures on the benchmark indicator of the Russian stock market – the RTS Index are to be launched on the August 3 rd , 2005. The settlement months of the contracts to be introduced are September and December, 2005, March and June, 2006. Futures contract specification was registered by FSFM on the 26 th July, 2005.
PCX Holdings Announces Date For Archipelago Vote
Date 02/08/2005
PCX Holdings, Inc. (PCXH), parent company of the Pacific Exchange, Inc. (PCX), today announced that a special meeting for PCXH stockholders will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2005, in San Francisco, to consider a proposal to approve the merger agreement between PCXH and Archipelago Holdings, Inc. (PCX: AX).
Oslo Børs: Monthly Statistics For Equities 2005
Date 02/08/2005
Indices, turnover per sector, winners and losers, key figures per instrument, shareholder structure, new issues and new listings last month and year to date. The archive includes monthly statistics from May 2001.
NZX July Operating Metrics
Date 02/08/2005
New Zealand Exchange Limited (NZX) today released its July 2005 operating metrics. NZX releases operating metrics on the first Tuesday of each month prior to the start of trading at 10am. These metrics compare the current period to the corresponding period of the previous year to account for seasonal fluctuations (i.e., reporting periods) that impact market activity.
NYSE Composite Index Sets New Closing High
Date 02/08/2005
The New York Stock Exchange Index ® (NYA) closed at a new high of 7556.59. The previous closing high for the NYSE was 7516.78 on July 28, 2005.
NYBOT Trading Volumes Continue Strong In July Year To Date, 12% Ahead Of Record 2004 Numbers
Date 02/08/2005
Trading volumes at the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) continued their upward climb during July, with a total of 2,174,385 futures and options contracts traded on the month. Particular strength was shown in NYBOT’s Currency Futures complex, which at 182,375 contracts was up 39% vs. July 2004; the Index Futures and Agricultural Futures complexes were up 4% and 3% respectively on the month. July’s strong volume growth is on the heels of record trading in June 2005, the biggest volume month in
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