FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Nymex Announces Margin Rates for Brent Intercommodity Spreads - Plans to Eliminate Credit for Spreads with IPE Brent Futures
Date 04/09/2001
The New York Mercantile Exchange today announced the reduced margin rates that will result from the credits it will offer on spread trades between the Brent futures contract to be introduced tomorrow and its other petroleum futures contracts.
London Stock Exchange: 600 Companies - AIM's Success Reaches A New High
Date 04/09/2001
The London Stock Exchange's global market for small and growing companies, the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), reached a new milestone today - Owl Technologies' quotation took the total number of companies quoted on AIM to 600 for the first time.
KCBT Year-To-Date Volume Ahead Of Last Year
Date 04/09/2001
Trading volume at the Kansas City Board of Trade remains on track to set a new annual record, with entire exchange volume up 5.5 percent when compared to last year at this time. Wheat futures volume is up 3 percent, wheat options volume is ahead by 37.2 percent and Value Line® volume is up by 37.9 percent.
HKEx: Views Sought On Extending Trading Hours
Date 04/09/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has published a consultation paper on extending the trading hours of the stock and Hong Kong stock-related derivatives markets.
Euronext Amsterdam: Geveke in Next 150 Index
Date 04/09/2001
Following the official result of the takeover bid by Tractebel for the Dutch company GTI NV, GTI NV will be deleted from the Next 150 index with effect from 7 September 2001, in accordance with rule 6.3.3 of the index ground rules.
Deutsche Börse: Partners Make U.S. Segment Even More Attractive For Retail Investors - Eleven Xetra US Partners Offer Private Investors U.S. Equities At Domestic Conditions - Xetra Live Makes Trading Transparent
Date 04/09/2001
Deutsche Börse has gained further partners, who will be making the new segment for U.S. stocks even more attractive, especially for retail investors. Eleven so-called "Xetra US Partners" will offer trading in the some 200 U.S. stocks to private investors at the same conditions as trading in German securities. The Xetra US Partners will thus be passing on the benefit of low trading fees in the Xetra US Stars to their customers. The smallest order size for private investors is one share. The Xetra
Cyprus Stock Exchange Monthly Digest - July 2001
Date 04/09/2001
During July there was a slight decrease in the General Price Index and a particular decrease in the value of shares traded compared to June. The various figures and statistics are analysed below.
CME Posts Best Volume Month in Exchange's History - Year-to-Date Volume Already Makes 2001 A Record Year
Date 04/09/2001
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) posted the best trading month in its 103-year history in August, a traditionally sluggish trading period, with volume of 34.4 million contracts. Total volume for the first eight months of 2001 already exceeds that for all of 2000 - the exchange's most recent record year.
CBOT Fed Funds Settle At 96.347
Date 04/09/2001
The CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract for August 2001 was liquidated by cash settlement this morning at a final settlement price of 96.347 for an average overnight effective rate of 3.653 percent during the delivery month.
CBOE Index Volume Up 110%; MNX(SM) Sets Single-Day Volume Record
Date 04/09/2001
Total index option volume for the month of August at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) rose 110% to 6,306,300 contracts (2,995,965 calls and 3,310,335 puts), from 3,000,015 contracts in August 2000. Total year-to-date index volume was up by 50% to 47,518,485 contracts, from 31,647,302 contracts in August 2000.
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