FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
FUTOP Clearing Centre: Derivatives On H. Lundbeck and Novozymes B
Date 24/08/2001
On 27 August 2001, the FUTOP Clearing Centre A/S introduces options and futures on the following single shares:
Chicago Stock Exchange July Share Volume Up From Year-Ago Period - Chicago Stock Exchange Is Supersoes(Sm) Auto-Execution Participant
Date 24/08/2001
In July, CHX monthly share volume grew to 2,154,553,458, up 7% from the same period a year ago, amid generally less active trading in equities markets.
Toronto Stock Exchange Closing For Labour Day Holiday
Date 23/08/2001
The Toronto Stock Exchange will be closed on Monday, September 3, 2001, in observance of the Labour Day statutory holiday.
Stock Exchange of Thailand President Resigns
Date 23/08/2001
Mr. Chavalit Thanachanun, Stock Exchange of Thailand's Chairman announced that Mr. Vicharat Vichitvadhagan SET's President has submitted his resignation to the Board of Governor during the Board's meeting today.
SFE Corporation Limited Announces 2001 Half-Year Profit And Financial Outlook For Remainder Of 2001
Date 23/08/2001
SFE Corporation Limited today released its financial results for the half-year ended 30 June 2001. The full financial results for the period are attached to this release. The highlights include: Net profit after tax was $11.8 million, including a non-recurring revenue item of $0.7 million after tax relating to the sale of software by Austraclear prior to its merger with SFE on 18 December 2000. The net figure of $11.1m for the 6 months to 30 June 2001 compares favourably with the full ye
Program Trading Averaged 26.2 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Aug. 13-Aug. 17, 2001
Date 23/08/2001
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Aug. 13-17, 2001.
Pacific Exchange Approves Flexible Marketing Fees - Creative Approach To Enhance Competitiveness
Date 23/08/2001
The Pacific Exchange (PCX) announced that its Board of Governors, at a special meeting on August 21, approved a new schedule of marketing fees, to help attract order flow to the West Coast options market.
NYBOT: Green Coffee Association Introduces Internet Coffee Contract; New Standard To Use XML To Transfer Information Electronically
Date 23/08/2001
The Green Coffee Association (GCA), the leading green coffee trade group in the US, announced that it has developed a new Internet coffee contract format. Based on the open "XML" architecture, the new format will provide the coffee industry the ability to electronically transfer coffee agreements, such as the Green Coffee Contract as well as other related information, safely and easily. The GCA's coffee contract is the most widely-used contract between the North American coffee industry and th
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Margin Rates Set for 11 New Stock Futures Contracts
Date 23/08/2001
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), has set margin rates for the 11 new stock futures contracts to be introduced on Monday, 27 August.
HKEx: Announcement On Amendments To Chapter 17 Of The Main Board Listing Rules Share Schemes
Date 23/08/2001
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Exchange") has amended Chapter 17 (Share Schemes) of the Main Board Listing Rules. A number of the restrictions in the existing rules will be relaxed such as the number of options that can be granted under share schemes, the maximum limit on options that can be granted to an individual participant and the identity of participants of share schemes. The relaxation will allow greater flexibility in the operation of share schemes.
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