FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
International Securities Exchange Trades Over One Million Contracts - New Daily Volume Record - 1,039,975 Contracts Establish Record
Date 12/07/2002
Yesterday, the ISE traded 1,039,975 contracts, the highest daily volume on the Exchange since launch in May 2000. The previous daily record was 964,553 contracts set the previous day, July 10. For the past two days, the ISE has been the number one exchange in equity options.
Euronext Moves Closer To System Harmonisation - Derivatives Traded In Paris And Brussels Migrating To LIFFE CONNECT™- Clearing Of Brussels-Based Derivatives Switching To Clearing 21®
Date 12/07/2002
Derivatives traded on the markets of Euronext Brussels and Euronext Paris will migrate to the LIFFE CONNECT™ electronic system on 24 March and 14 April 2003, respectively. The Dutch and Portuguese derivatives markets will follow at a later date. And on 24 March 2003, Brussels will switch to the Clearing 21® system to clear its derivatives trades.
CFTC To Participate In Interagency Corporate Fraud Task Force
Date 12/07/2002
By Executive Order signed by President Bush on July 9, 2002, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) was named a member of the Corporate Fraud Task Force. This Task Force was established with the objective of strengthening the efforts of the Department of Justice, Federal, State, and local agencies to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, recover the proceeds of such crimes, and ensure just and effective punishment of those who perpetrate financial crimes.
CFTC Announces Roundtable On Clearing Issues
Date 12/07/2002
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission) today announced that it will hold a Roundtable discussion on clearing issues on August 1, 2002, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. The Roundtable will be held in the first floor Hearing Room at the Commission's Headquarters, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics June 2002
Date 12/07/2002
Riga The cash offering of 51% of LASCO shares in domestic and international market on June 25 was the central event of the month. All the shares put out for sale were sold at the price of EUR 0.59 (LVL 0.35, thus raising EUR 59.9 (LVL 35.7) million to the state. Latvian residents have bought 61.43% of the offered shares, while international investors - 38.57%.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. Supports A Voluntary Market In Canadian Barley
Date 11/07/2002
The Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food recently released a report titled "The Future Role of the Government in Agriculture". Recommendation 14 of the report states;
virt-x, LCH And x-Clear To Launch First Pan-European Central Counterparty Structure In March 2003
Date 11/07/2002
The London Clearing House (LCH), x-clear, the Swiss central counterparty (CCP), and virt-x plc, the operator of the virt-x pan-European cross border exchange, announce today the launch of the first pan-European CCP structure in March 2003.
Virt-x Monthly Newsletter June 2002
Date 11/07/2002
The monthly newsletter of virt-x can be viewed by clicking here.
Standard & Poor's Announces New Canadian Indices: The Canadian Income Trust Marketplace Gets Live Index Exposure
Date 11/07/2002
Standard & Poor's and the Toronto Stock Exchange are pleased to announce the launch of three new indices covering the income trust market in Canada. The fastest growing segment of the Canadian equity marketplace, income trusts currently number over 150 issues having a market capitalization of over $45 billion. Two of the new indices will cover specific segments of the income trust market that have garnered the greatest investor attention - Energy and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT). The thi
Program Trading Averaged 32.0 Percent Of NYSE Volume During July 1-July 5, 2002
Date 11/07/2002
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for July 1-5, 2002.
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