Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Company News

    Date 05/03/2001

    MRIB released good results for the 6 months to 31 December 2000. Revenues rose 20.1% to P5.882m with net income up 23.7% to P1.777m. Dividends rose 28.6% to 4.5t per share. Prospects look good going forward, with the directors confident of achieving real earnings growth for the financial year to June 2001.

  • Value Of LIFFE's February Trading Up 28% Year On Year

    Date 02/03/2001

    The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) traded an average daily nominal value of £313 billion (?494 billion) and a total value of £6,260 billion (?9,890 billion) in February 2001, up 28% on February 2000.

  • Nymex To Lower Natural Gas Margins

    Date 02/03/2001

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will lower the margins at the close of business today on its Henry Hub natural gas futures contracts to $4,500 for clearing members from $6,000 for the April 2001 contract and $5,000 for all other months; to $4,950 for members from $6,600 for April 2001 and $5,500 for all other months; and to $6,075 for customers from $8,100 for April 2001 and $6,750 for all other months. <

  • NYBOT Names Five Public Members

    Date 02/03/2001

    The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced yesterday the appointment of five Public Members to its Board of Directors. Terms for the new Public Members start March 1, 2001.

  • Nasdaq Explains Monday’s Trading Activity In Axcelis Technologies

    Date 02/03/2001

    The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (Nasdaq®), is providing clarification of the market circumstances surrounding the trading activity of Axcelis Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq symbol: ACLS) on Monday, February 26, 2001. On that date, shortly after 10 a.m., Eastern Time (ET), Axcelis began trading from $10 to as high as $93 per share, all within a time frame of approximately 15 minutes. Nasdaq immediately contacted Axcelis Technologies to determine if there was any company-related explanation for the activ

  • International Securities Exchange Listing QQQ Options On March 5

    Date 02/03/2001

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) announced today that on Monday, March 5 it will list options on the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock sm . This product represents ownership in the Nasdaq-100 Trust sm , a long-term unit investment trust established to accumulate and hold a portfolio of the equity securities that comprise the Nasdaq-100 Index Ò.

  • HEX Group Results For The Financial Year 2000

    Date 02/03/2001

    The revenues of HEX Group increased by 43.8 per cent and totalled 74.8 million euro (52.0 mill. euro). The expenses were 44.0 million euro (35.6 mill. euro). The operating profit of the Group was 30.7 million euro (16.4 mill. euro) showing an increase of 87.9 per cent over the previous year. Profit before extraordinary items and taxes amounted to 32.4 million euro (18.9 mill. euro) and net profit 23.0 million euro (13.6 mill. euro). Capital investments totalling 9.2 million euro (7.5 mill.

  • CBOT Feb. Volume 20,853; a/c/e Sets Monthly High Over 3 Million

    Date 02/03/2001

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) announced trading volume of 20,853,886 contracts for February 2001. a/c/e electronic trading platform set a monthly volume record of 3,027,262 contracts.

  • CBOE To Launch CBOEdirect TM Screen-Based Trading System June 1, 2001

    Date 02/03/2001

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) yesterday announced that on June 1, 2001 it will launch CBOEdirectTM, the exchange's much anticipated screen-based trading platform.

  • Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Reaches New Monthly Volumes in February 2001

    Date 01/03/2001

    February 2001 set a new monthly Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) volume record for total futures and options combined.