FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
BEL20® Monthly Selection List
Date 15/07/2002
Based upon the figures until the end of June 2002, the Market Authority of Euronext Brussels communicates the new monthly selection list. This list is valid for replacements that would occur from Tuesday 16 July up to and including Thursday 15 August 2002 after trading hours. This list is available at: www.euronext.com http://www.stockexchange.be/pd/pdc/endca01.htm .
SWX Swiss Exchange: Possible Suspension Of Trading In Two Securities Due To Violation Of Reporting Obligations
Date 12/07/2002
Despite their having been admonished, the following companies listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange have failed to submit their annual report 2001 by the prescribed deadline of 30 June 2002: Habsburg Holdings Ltd., Tortola (British Virgin Islands) Pelham Investments SA, Genève
Statement By SEC Chairman: On Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
Date 12/07/2002
By Chairman Harvey L. Pitt U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Headquarters, Washington, D.C. July 12, 2002 I'm pleased to be participating in this landmark event on behalf of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Today, two companies that occupy a pivotal role in financing the American dream of affordable home ownership have agreed to subject themselves to the full panoply of SEC disclosure requirements from which they are otherwise exempt.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In The S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index
Date 12/07/2002
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index: After the close of business on Monday, July 15, 2002, Lake City Gaming Corp. (TSX:LCG) will be removed from the S&P/TSX Venture Composite Index. It will be delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange at the request of the company.
Sigma-Aldrich Corporation To Join The Nasdaq-100 Index Beginning July 16, 2002
Date 12/07/2002
Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (Nasdaq:SIAL), of St. Louis, Missouri, will become a component of the Nasdaq-100 Index® (Nasdaq:NDX), effective at the beginning of trading Tuesday, July 16, 2002. Sigma-Aldrich will also be included in the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking StockSM (Amex:QQQ). Sigma-Aldrich Corporation will replace Immunex Corporation which is scheduled to be acquired by Amgen Inc. (Nasdaq:AMGN).
Oslo Børs Holding ASA Second Quarter 2002
Date 12/07/2002
Oslo Børs Holding ASA had a second-quarter 2002 operating profit of NOK 15.2 million (2Q 2001: NOK 12.8 million). After-tax profit for the second quarter 2002 reporting period was NOK 12.0 (13.7) million. Post-tax profit for the year to date is NOK 25.1 (24.8) million. The tax rate increased from 12 per cent in the first half of 2001 to 28 per cent in the first half of 2002. Oslo Børs became liable to tax upon privatisation in May 2001.
NYBOT Announces New Board Elections And Executive Committee Appointments
Date 12/07/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today that its Board of Directors elected Officers as well as appointed Members to its Executive Committee for the 2002 - 2003 term.<
New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange 90 Day Bank Bill Futures And Options
Date 12/07/2002
New Market Initiatives A number of initiatives are being introduced for the New Zealand 90 Day Bank Bill Futures and Options contracts, listed on the New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange (NZFOE). This follows extensive customer consultation with the objective of ensuring the continued success of the New Zealand Bank Bill product.
Nasdaq Expands Primex Auction System's List Of Eligible Securities - Expansion Comes As Usage And Share Volume Continue To Rise
Date 12/07/2002
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. today announced that beginning July 15, the Primex Auction System® will expand trading to include all New York Stock Exchange-listed securities. This will more than double the number of stocks eligible to trade in the world's first totally electronic auction for stocks.
London Stock Exchange plc: Trading Statement For The Three Months Ended 30 June 2002
Date 12/07/2002
Turnover for the three months ended 30 June 2002 ("Q1") increased to £58.5 million (2001: £54.4 million), representing 8 per cent growth over the same period last year.
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