Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • London Metal Exchange June 2002 Volume

    Date 04/07/2002

    The London Metal Exchange traded a total of 4,714,949 lots in June 2002. This figure was made up of 4,574,620 lots of futures, 133,475 lots of options and 6,854 lots of TAPOs.

  • globalCOAL<SUP>TM</SUP> Announces The Completion Of The First Transaction For The Newcastle Marker Price Intiative

    Date 04/07/2002

    globalCOALTM, the coal e-marketplace backed by leading industry consumers & producers, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first Event in developing the Newcastle Marker Price Initiative. The Event involved a transaction at USD 22.00/mt for 130,000 metric tonnes F.O.B. Newcastle for delivery in September of 2002. The transaction was completed within the nominated window (7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. London time) on globalCOAL's Standard Coal System with around 50 bids/o

  • Upgraded New Zealand Stock Exchange Website

    Date 03/07/2002

    The first upgrade of the New Zealand Stock Exchange website ( was launched today. With an entirely new home page, the website is aiming for both enhanced user friendliness and improved content. New features include a "Question and Answer" section, links to recent news articles about the NZSE, a "Useful Stuff for Investors" section and a feedback area. For the novice investor, there is an additional introductory section that explains stockmarket investing, jargon and how to get inv

  • TSX Turns 150 - Special Web Site Shares The Stories Behind The Toronto Stock Exchange

    Date 03/07/2002

    In August 1852, a group of Toronto businessmen met to form an association of stock brokers. 150 years later, the TSX is celebrating that first meeting as the Toronto Stock Exchange celebrates its Sesqui-Centennial - 150 years at the centre of the Canadian capital markets.

  • TSX Statistics - June 2002

    Date 03/07/2002

    This month's highlights were: Toronto Stock Exchange June equity volume 4.5 billion shares Toronto Stock Exchange June equity value $54.8 billion S&P/TSX Composite Index closes June at 7145.61 down 510.52 from May