FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
London Metal Exchange June 2002 Volume
Date 04/07/2002
The London Metal Exchange traded a total of 4,714,949 lots in June 2002. This figure was made up of 4,574,620 lots of futures, 133,475 lots of options and 6,854 lots of TAPOs.
globalCOAL<SUP>TM</SUP> Announces The Completion Of The First Transaction For The Newcastle Marker Price Intiative
Date 04/07/2002
globalCOALTM, the coal e-marketplace backed by leading industry consumers & producers, is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first Event in developing the Newcastle Marker Price Initiative. The Event involved a transaction at USD 22.00/mt for 130,000 metric tonnes F.O.B. Newcastle for delivery in September of 2002. The transaction was completed within the nominated window (7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. London time) on globalCOAL's Standard Coal System with around 50 bids/o
Upgraded New Zealand Stock Exchange Website
Date 03/07/2002
The first upgrade of the New Zealand Stock Exchange website (www.nzse.co.nz) was launched today. With an entirely new home page, the website is aiming for both enhanced user friendliness and improved content. New features include a "Question and Answer" section, links to recent news articles about the NZSE, a "Useful Stuff for Investors" section and a feedback area. For the novice investor, there is an additional introductory section that explains stockmarket investing, jargon and how to get inv
TSX Turns 150 - Special Web Site Shares The Stories Behind The Toronto Stock Exchange
Date 03/07/2002
In August 1852, a group of Toronto businessmen met to form an association of stock brokers. 150 years later, the TSX is celebrating that first meeting as the Toronto Stock Exchange celebrates its Sesqui-Centennial - 150 years at the centre of the Canadian capital markets.
TSX Statistics - June 2002
Date 03/07/2002
This month's highlights were: Toronto Stock Exchange June equity volume 4.5 billion shares Toronto Stock Exchange June equity value $54.8 billion S&P/TSX Composite Index closes June at 7145.61 down 510.52 from May
Tokyo Stock Exchange: TOPIX And Its Sub-Indices (Price Return Index) Addendum Of The Calculation Method
Date 03/07/2002
As for the capital reduction with payment, the addendum will be made on the calculation method for TOPIX and its sub-indices (Price Return Index), total return of TOPIX and its sub- indices (Total Return Index). The addendum will be effective from July 10, 2002.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Has Released The Summary Of Earnings Digests For Listed Companies In Fiscal 2001
Date 03/07/2002
TSE has released the summary of earnings digests for listed companies in fiscal 2001. The summary of earnings digests can be accessed by clicking here.
SWX Monthly Report June 2002
Date 03/07/2002
The SWX Monthly Report with statistics as at June 2002 can be accessed by clicking here.
Stockholmsbörsen - Statistics Report The First Six Months 2002
Date 03/07/2002
Total share turnover amounted to SEK 1 574 (2 235) billion, a decrease of 30 per cent. The turnover rate was 124 (139) per cent. The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 29 158 934 (31 564 563) contracts, a decrease of 8 per cent. The All Share Index, SAX, closed at 182.7 (239.1), representing a fall of - 24 per cent since December 31st, 2001. The number of listed companies amounted to 302 at the end of June (31.12.2001: 305). The number of members a
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P Canadian Indices: S&P/TSX Composite, S&P/TSX Capped Composite, S&P/TSX Canadian MidCap, S&P/TSX Canadian Materials And S&P/TSX Canadian Gold Indices
Date 03/07/2002
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in various S&P/TSX indices: Effective after the close of trading on Thursday, July 4, 2002, the float shares of Meridian Gold Inc. (TSX:MNG) will be adjusted to reflect the issuance of common shares in the acquisition of Brancote Holdings PLC. The relative weight of Meridian Gold Inc. will increase by 0.08% in the S&P/TSX Composite and S&P/TSX Capped Composite Indices, by 0.57% in the S&P/TSX Canadian MidCap Index, by 0.10% in the TS
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