FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Deutsche Börse Publishes Company Rankings For Equity Indexes - Scenario Ranking Based On Free Float For Investors' Orientation
Date 07/02/2002
On Thursday, Deutsche Börse AG published the current list of companies ranked by market capitalization and stock-exchange turnover for the equity indexes DAX, MDAX, SDAX and NEMAX 50.
CFTC Publishes Privacy Brochure For Financial Intermediaries - CFTC Brochure Designed To Help FCMs, CTAs, CPOs And IBs Meet March 31, 2002 Compliance Date
Date 07/02/2002
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today published a brochure entitled Financial Privacy Requirements: What Futures Industry Intermediaries Need to Know. This non-technical brochure is designed to help futures commission merchants (FCMs), commodity trading advisors (CTAs), commodity pool operators (CPOs) and introducing brokers (IBs) comply with the CFTC's rules on consumers' rights to financial privacy. Compliance with these rules is mandatory by March 31, 2002.
CBOT Enhances 10-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures With Appointment Of ABN Amro As Market Maker
Date 07/02/2002
Improving its ability to create new product opportunities, the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced the implementation of a market maker program for its 10-Year Interest Rate Swap futures contract. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has been appointed the market maker to enhance liquidity in the CBOT's open auction markets. ABN AMRO will provide a market no lower than 250 contracts with bid/offer spreads not to exceed 4/32 under the terms of the market making agreement. This market-making program is t
CBOE Trading Schedule For President's Day Holiday
Date 07/02/2002
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today announced the following trading schedule in observance of the President's Day holiday:
US Agencies Publish "Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information"
Date 06/02/2002
In conjunction with National Consumer Protection Week, several federal agencies today released a guide to help consumers make informed choices about whether to allow their personal financial information to be shared. Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information guides consumers through the choices they face as a result of the privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The theme for National Consumer Protection Week this year is "Consumer Confidential: The Privacy Story.
Oslo Børs: Introduction Of Saxess Delayed
Date 06/02/2002
Some delays have been experienced in the testing of Saxess, the new trading system that Oslo Børs intends to introduce during the spring of this year.
Nymex Chairman And President Issue Statement Opposing Transaction Tax On Futures
Date 06/02/2002
Vincent Viola, chairman of the board of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., and J. Robert Collins, Jr., president of the Exchange, today issued the following statement in opposition to the tax on futures and options transactions proposed as part of the President's budget: "At a time when the New York exchanges are already under maximum economic stress and Congress is examining the disparity in regulation between futures and over-the-counter energy and metals markets, we are concerned that ou
Nasdaq Announces New Pricing Package For Market Participants
Date 06/02/2002
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. today announced that it has submitted two new rule filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to increase the competitiveness of its pricing and to provide market participants with valuable risk management functions at a lower cost.
HKEx, S&P Sign Statement of Intent On New Index Series
Date 06/02/2002
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) and Standard & Poor's, a global leader in financial information and investment analysis, have signed a Statement of Intent for the creation of a new series of equity indices covering stocks listed on HKEx's stock exchange, the two firms announced today.
HEX25 Index Shares Available From HEX As Of 11 February 2002
Date 06/02/2002
HEX launches a market for index shares (exchange traded funds, ETFs) on 11 February 2002. The first listed index share is based on the HEX25 index.
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