Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOT 10-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures Set New Volume Record

    Date 19/02/2002

    Continuing to display one of the exchange's best new-product performances, the Chicago Board of Trade's (CBOT®) 10-Year Interest Rate Swap futures contract set a new daily volume record of 6,586 contracts with open interest reaching an all-time high of 11,944 contracts on Friday, February 15. The former daily volume record of 5,319 contracts was set on November 16, 2001.

  • Boston Stock Exchange, Bourse Montréal Inc. And Interactive Brokers Form Partnership To Develop New Electronic Options Exchange

    Date 19/02/2002

    The Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. (BSE), the Bourse Montréal Inc., and Interactive Brokers Group LLC today announced the formation of Boston Options Exchange Group LLC (BOX) to jointly establish an electronic exchange for United States securities options.

  • The Board Of The Iceland Stock Exchange Has Signed The Financial Statement For The Year 2001

    Date 18/02/2002

    Key results ICEX's financial statement is a consolidated statement for the company and its subsidiary, ICEX Info. Figures from previous years apply to the parent company only, as ICEX Info was established in 2000, but began operations in 2001. Its operations have little bearing on the operations and financial outcome of the consolidated accounts.

  • 'Thai Opportunity Fund' Established To Strengthen The Thai Capital Market

    Date 18/02/2002

    The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand , Mr. Kittiratt 18 February 2002) Na-Ranong, in a signing ceremony for the Thai Opportunity Fund today, said that the Fund has been established in line with the Thai Capital Market Master Plan formulated to strengthen the Thai Capital Market.

  • Futures Contracts On MIDWIG Index Launched On The WSE

    Date 18/02/2002

    On February 18th, a new derivative instrument, futures contract on MIDWIG index, made its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. After futures contracts on the WIG20 and the TechWIG, the MIDWIG futures contract is the third futures instrument for which an index is underlying instrument.