FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
RTS Technical Center Clearing Activities On FORTS Is Insured For The Amount Of $ 1 Million
Date 27/05/2002
Insurance Company Ltd. "Ingosstrakh" insured RTS Technical Center clearing operations on FORTS (Futures & Options Market on RTS) for the amount of $ 1 million.
Removal Of Gevaert From Euronext Brussels Indices
Date 27/05/2002
Following the squeeze-out bid of the Company "Almanij" and taking into account the decision of Euronext Brussels to transfer the share Gevaert from quotation Group A1 (Continuous) to quotation Group A8 (Temporary Listing, single fixing), the share Gevaert (Isincode BE0003711257) will be removed from the following indices on 2002/05/27 after close following art. 1.4.d. of the BAS indexrules: BAS price index BAS return index Belgian Continuous return index Mid Cap ret
New Eurex Board Of Directors Appoints Granziol As President - Fischer Elected Honorary President
Date 27/05/2002
Thursday saw the General Shareholders' Meeting of Eurex Zürich AG elect its new Board of Directors. At its constituent meeting, the new Board of Directors appointed Dr. Markus Granziol as President. Dr. Joerg Fischer, who had been President of the Board of Directors since the foundation of Eurex, was elected Honorary President.
Euronext: Half-Yearly Review Introduction Of Euronext Trading System On Trading In Dutch Shares - Investors Benefit From Higher Turnover And Narrower Spreads
Date 27/05/2002
Despite difficult market circumstances, trading in Dutch blue chips and mid-caps on the Amsterdam market remained stable following the introduction of Euronext's cross-border trading system. Turnover in continuously traded small caps doubled, while turnover in small caps traded in auctions rose by 4%.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 27/05/2002
Activity this week was more evenly spread across the counters but dominated by large trades of 380 000 Sefalana at 930t and a further 190 000 at 960t.
Botswana Stock Exchange Company News
Date 27/05/2002
Barclays will hold its AGM at the Grand Palm Hotel and Casino on the Friday the 31st of May 2002 at 1700hrs.
Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics April 2002
Date 27/05/2002
Riga In April, the total Latvian capital market trading amounted to EUR 38.06 (LVL 21.62) million, by 20% higher than previous month. Moreover, the turnover increase was observed in both shares and debt securities market segment; the volumes reached EUR 9.30 (LVL 5.28) million and EUR 28.76 (LVL 16.34) respectively. Price index RICI has shown notable growth already seven months in a row, starting the last October. During April, RICI appreciated by impressive 12.34 per cent or
ASX And IWL Sign Heads Of Agreement
Date 27/05/2002
Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) and IWL Limited (IWL) have today taken an important step towards the use of IWL's FundLink software as core technology for ASX FundConnect, the unlisted managed funds transaction processing service ASX will roll out in early 2003.
Chairman And Chief Executive Officer Of American Stock Exchange Salvatore F. Sodano Promotes Corporate Governance In Chinese Capital Markets
Date 25/05/2002
During his keynote address at the WTO China Capital Markets Forum in Beijing on May 23, 2002, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the American Stock Exchange Salvatore F. Sodano underscored the need for further transparency and openness in the Chinese capital markets. The WTO China Capital Market Forum is part of the 5th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo. The event, which has the support of the Beijing Municipal Government and relevant Chinese Ministries, is one of the largest and m
The Nasdaq Stock Market Announces Open Short-Interest Positions In Nasdaq Stocks For May 2002
Date 24/05/2002
As of mid-May, short interest in 3,272 Nasdaq National Market® securities totaled 4,207,388,124 shares compared with 4,088,289,561 shares in 3,310 National Market issues for the month of April.
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