Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistical Report - September

    Date 16/10/2000

    Turnover The total turnover of securities on the Exchange amounted to SIT 18.97 billion in September 2000, which is 74.17% higher than the August figure and 19.45% lower than the September 1999 figure.The total value of SIT 173.28 billion of securities traded in the first nine trading months of 2000 was SIT one billion above the 1999 figure for the same period.

  • Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For September 2000

    Date 16/10/2000

    The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 1444.2 points at the end of September, an increase of 35.4 points from the closing value at the end of August.

  • KCBT Wheat Futures Open Interest Exceeds 90,000 Contracts

    Date 16/10/2000

    Kansas CityæOctober 16, 2000æFor the first time, Kansas City Board of Trade wheat futures open interest has exceeded 90,000 contracts. At the conclusion of trade on Friday, Oct.13, open interest in KCBT wheat futures stood at 90,013 contracts, which is representative of 450.165 million bushels of wheat.

  • EURONEXT Changes Ground Rules For The AEX-Index And AMX-Index

    Date 16/10/2000

    Euronext Indices B.V. announces the following changes to the ground rules for the AEX-index and the AMX-index:

  • Equity Options Volume Surpasses 1999 Record - New Record Set For Equity Open Interest

    Date 16/10/2000

    The nations options exchanges have exceeded the annual record for equity options volume, according to The Options Industry Council (OIC). Through Sept. 30, year-to-date volume was 484,979,728 contracts, which surpasses the total annual volume record set in 1999 with 444,765,224 contracts. Year-to-date volume is 61 percent ahead of the 301,763,202 contracts traded during the same time frame in 1999.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Successful Launch Of Bond Trading On SAXESS

    Date 16/10/2000

    The transfer of Danish bonds from the more than 13-year old ELECTRA trading system to the SAXESS trading system went smoothly and according to plan.

  • Chicago Stock Exchange Promotes John K. Kerin To Senior Vice President And Chief Technology Officer

    Date 16/10/2000

    The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) announced today the promotion of John K. Kerin to Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. In his new position, Kerin, 38, is responsible for the Exchange's information technology operations and development. He will report to Bob Forney, CHX president and CEO.

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 16/10/2000

    The market experienced further weakness in line with major global markets and lost 1.2%. World markets did, however, recover at the end of the week.

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Company Results

    Date 16/10/2000

    Furnmart, the furniture retailer reported results for the full year to 31st July 2000, which were in line with our expectation.

  • Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics - September

    Date 16/10/2000

    Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics - September Riga September was a busy trading month at the Riga Stock Exchange. Total Latvian capital market turnover amounted to EUR 101 million, equity trading volume reaching EUR 26.37 million, yet not managing to beat the record-high LVL 30.44 million in May. Debt securities were traded at EUR 74.63 million worth. Equity market capitalisation at the end of the month was LVL 332.45 million (EUR 611.94 million), which is a 10.98% more t