FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Mexican Derivatives Exchange Breaks Daily Volume Record With 2,295,130 Contracts
Date 12/06/2003
MexDer, (Mexican Derivatives Exchange) has seen explosive growth in trading volume in June 2003, because 12,570,409 contracts were trade in 11 days.
Josseph de la Vega Prizes 2003 Awarded To Söhnke Bartram And Frank Fehle (Main Prize) And Alexandra Gregoric And Christina Vespro (Special Emerging Markets Prize)
Date 12/06/2003
The Federation of European Securities Exchanges has awarded the Josseph de la Vega prize 2003 to Söhnke Bartram and Frank Fehle for their research paper "Competition among Alternative Option Market Structures: Evidence from Eurex vs. Euwax".
FTSE UK Index Series Changes Announced
Date 12/06/2003
FTSE Group have announced changes to the FTSE UK Index Series following the quarterly meeting of the FTSE independent advisory committee.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: 51 Shares Have Now Been Selected For MidCap<SUP><SMALL>+</SUP></SMALL> And SmallCap<SUP><SMALL>+</SUP></SMALL>- The New Plus Segments Have Seen Good And Steady Progress
Date 12/06/2003
The shares for MidCap+ and SmallCap+ have now been selected in connection with the first ordinary review. The new MidCap+ and SmallCap+ portfolios will be effective from I July to the turn of the year 2003/2004. A total of 51 shares (50 companies) have qualified for the segments as against 50 shares (49 companies) in connection with the selection in March.
Component Changes Made To Dow Jones Islamic Blue-Chip Indexes - Changes Are A Result Of The Regular Annual Review Of The Indexes
Date 12/06/2003
Dow Jones Indexes today announced component changes in the global Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Indexes and three subset blue-chip indexes - the Dow Jones Islamic Market U.S. Titans 50, the Dow Jones Islamic Market Europe Titans 25, and the Dow Jones Islamic Market Asia/Pacific Titans 25 after the annual review.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Announcement On Calculation Of TOPIX For The Shares Of Resona Holdings, Inc.
Date 11/06/2003
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) announced today that there will not be any additional changes for calculation of TOPIX and its sub-indices concerning the shares of Resona Holdings, Inc. (SICC code: 8308) to be acquired by the Deposit Insurance Corporation. This treatment will be effective until the TSE notifies otherwise.
Standard & Poor's Global 1200 Index Revision Redefines Asia Pacific Regional Coverage - Creation Of S&P Asia 50 Index Offers Better Reflection Of Asian Equity Markets
Date 11/06/2003
Standard & Poor's, the leading provider of independent investment research, indices and ratings, announced yesterday it will make revisions to the structure of the S&P Global 1200 index series that include the launch of a new index, the S&P Asia 50. The S&P Global 1200 currently offers coverage of the Asia Pacific region via the S&P Asia Pacific 100 index which covers companies from Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Starting on June 23, 2003, the Standard & Poor's will
SEC Issues Rule Amendments To Improve Timeliness Of Administrative Proceedings And Appeals
Date 11/06/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission has adopted amendments to its Rules of Practice to formalize new policies designed to improve the timeliness of administrative proceedings and appeals. The amendments adopted by the Commission on June 9, 2003 will become effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. The amendments require administrative law judges to complete the hearing and issue an initial decision within a time period specified by the Commission for each case. The amendm
Nymex Moves Termination Dates For e-miNY energy futures<SUP>sm</SUP> Contracts Back A Day
Date 11/06/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that its e-miNYsm crude oil and e-miNYsm natural gas futures contracts will terminate one day before the standard-sized light, sweet crude oil and natural gas futures contracts beginning with the August contract.
New York Mercantile Exchange Moves Termination Dates For e-miNY Energy Futures<SUP><SMALL>sm</SUP></SMALL> Contracts Back A Day
Date 11/06/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that its e-miNYsm crude oil and e-miNYsm natural gas futures contracts will terminate one day before the standard-sized light, sweet crude oil and natural gas futures contracts beginning with the August contract.
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