Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • New SWX participant: Winterflood Securities Ltd, London

    Date 11/06/2003

    The SWX Swiss Exchange has admitted Winterflood Securities Ltd, London, as a Network Linked Participant. The new participant will be connected via the Network Connectivity Provider glox Ltd and will operate exclusively in the SWX Segment for Eurobonds. Winterflood Securities Ltd, London, will start to trade on the SWX on Wednesday, 11 June 2003.

  • KOFEX Weekly Bulletin

    Date 11/06/2003

    Please click here for the KOFEX Weekly Bulletin.

  • ICEX Announces Changes In The Composition Of The ICEX-15 Index For The Second Half Of The Year 2003

    Date 11/06/2003

    ICEX-15, the main share index of the Iceland Stock Exchange, is comprised of companies listed on the ICEX Main List. Fifteen of these companies are selected for inclusion following pre-determined rules. The index is reviewed twice annually, with changes taking effect 1 January and 1 July each year. Due to the unusual situation currently existing, with take-overs of several companies on the Main List in process, special measures have had to be taken. ICEX deems it inadvisable to select for the in

  • GL TRADE Signs With Day By Day<SUP><SMALL>™</SUP></SMALL> For Real Time Money Making Technical Analysis

    Date 11/06/2003

    GL TRADE strengthens its financial content offer by signing an agreement with Day By Day™, an international technical analysis bureau considered as a benchmark in consulting on the financial markets. Accessible via GL WIN and GL WINSIGHT workstations, Day By Day™ features up to 100 analyses a day, as well as money making strategies, on major European and US markets.

  • First Tracker On FTSEurofirst 80 Index To Be Launched By Lyxor AM On Euronext

    Date 11/06/2003

    A tracker (Exchange Traded Fund) on the FTSEurofirst 80 index is to be launched by Lyxor AM on Euronext in September: it will be the first ETF based on a FTSEurofirst index, newly created in co-operation by Euronext and FTSE Group, and will track the FTSEurofirst 80 covering the current Eurozone.