FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Operational Risk Management - Best Practice Strategies In Light Of Final Basel Proposals - Speech By Michael Foot Managing Director, UK Financial Services Authority
Date 13/06/2003
Please click here for Michael Foot, Managing Director, Financial Services Authority speech on Operational Risk Management - Best Practice Strategies In Light Of Final Basel Proposals at the City and Financial Conference on Operational Risk, 12 June 2003.
NYSE LiquidityQuote<SUP>SM</SUP> Debuts Today Dual Quoting Begins In 28 NYSE-listed Component Stocks Of Dow Jones Industrial Average
Date 13/06/2003
The New York Stock Exchange today began publishing NYSE LiquidityQuotes in the 28 NYSE-listed component stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. NYSE LiquidityQuote ("NYLQ") debuted this morning and has been operating smoothly with the dissemination of executable, sizable quotes outside of the inside quote.
NYBOT New Margin Requirements - Cotton
Date 13/06/2003
Please click here for details of the margin requirements for cotton that are effective close of business Friday, June 13, 2003.
Instinet CEO Challenges Traditional Market Structure Theory; Edward J. Nicoll Speaks At SIA Market Structure Conference
Date 13/06/2003
In a keynote speech delivered today at the Securities Industry Association's Market Structure Conference, Instinet CEO Edward J. Nicoll challenged traditional market structure theory and put forward a new framework for strengthening our Nation's markets.
HKEx: Resignation Of Non-executive Director
Date 13/06/2003
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has today received a letter from Dr Liu Jinbao tendering his resignation as a Non-executive Director of HKEx with effect from 28 May 2003 due to personal reasons.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Change In Weighting Of A.P Møller Shares In Indices As A Result Of The Formation Of A.P.Møller - Mærsk A/S
Date 13/06/2003
As from Monday 16 June, A.P. Moller - Mwrsk A and A.P. Moller - Mærsk B will be traded for the first time on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange as a consequence of the merger between D/S 1912 and D/S Svendborg.
Committee Of European Securities Regulators Consultation On possible Implementing Measures Of The Proposed Prospectus Directive (Ref. CESR/03-170)
Date 13/06/2003
CESR yesterday released a consultation paper on possible detailed technical measures needed to implement the proposed Directive on Prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading (Ref. CESR/03-162 and Annexes). These measures are being developed on the basis of a provisional mandate given to CESR by the European Commission published on 27 March 2002 and an additional provisional mandate published on 7 February 2003. Under these mandates, CESR has been
CBOT®'s Mini-sized Dow<SUP>SM</SUP> Jones Futures Contract Sets Volume And Open Interest Records
Date 13/06/2003
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced that a new daily volume record was set for mini-sized Dow Jones futures with 62,422 contracts traded on June 12, breaking the previous record of 57,576 contracts set on June 6, 2003.
CBOT: Dow Complex Blasts Past Old Volume Record
Date 13/06/2003
The CBOT® DowSM Complex traded a total of 103,737 contracts on June 11, 2003, making it the busiest day ever for the complex, which consists of mini-sized DowSM futures, DJIASM futures and options on DJIA futures. The mini-sized Dow also broke its previous record of 6/6/03, trading 62,422 contracts, as investors continue to be drawn to its fast fills, tight spreads, and low margins.
CBOE Trading Schedule For 4th Of July Independence Day Holiday
Date 13/06/2003
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today announced the following trading schedule in observance of the Independence Day holiday: (all times are CDT, Chicago time)
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