Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOT 10-Year Interest Rate Swap Futures Record Volume

    Date 16/06/2003

    The Chicago Board of Trade's 10-Year Interest Rate Swap futures traded record volume of 30,206 contracts on Friday, June 13, 2003. The previous one-day record, 29,035 contracts, was set on February 27, 2003. Average trading volume since contract launch (October 2001), now at 2,934 contracts per day, is also at a record high.

  • Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistical Report May 2003

    Date 16/06/2003


  • Breach Of Listing Agreement - Stockholmsbörsen's Disciplinary Committee Imposes Fines

    Date 16/06/2003

    Sign On i Stockholm AB and Intellecta AB have breached their listing agreements with Stockholmsbörsen and must therefore pay fines. Sign On violated the listing agreement's requirement concerning the obligation to provide immediate information about events that have an impact on the share price and the requirement regarding correct, relevant and reliable information. Intellecta was in breach of the rules governing the purchase and sale of the company's own shares.

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 16/06/2003

    The week on the bourse was more positive rising 1.7% on the prior week, helped by a lift in Sechaba, which saw an unusually big volume of shares, over 5.4 million, change hands 10t higher at P8.10.

  • BondVision To Adopt FIX Standards

    Date 16/06/2003

    BondVision today announced an agreement with IT Software and Javelin Technologies to develop and implement a FIX engine for the BondVision market. By embracing FIX Standards, a communication standard developed for real-time exchange of securities transaction information, BondVision will allow for true Straight Through Processing.