FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Chicago Stock Exchange June Volume Results
Date 08/07/2003
Monthly Listed Volume June 2003 June 2002 Percent Change Total Share Volume 1,890,697,324 1,515,373,496 24.77%<
CFTC Requests Comment On Proposed Rule Changes Related To Chicago Mercantile Exchange/Chicago Board Of Trade Common Clearing Link
Date 08/07/2003
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is considering for approval, pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and Commission rule 40.5, certain proposed rules filed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). The CME and the CBOT have indicated that these rules relate to the proposed Clearing Link between them. The rules that have been submitted for approval, as well as other rules related to the Clearing Link that the CBOT has ce
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. To Continue Exchange For Risk (EFR) Transactions
Date 07/07/2003
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. (WCE) has approved the continuation of Exchange For Risk (EFR) transactions on a permanent basis for all WCE agricultural futures contracts, including canola, flaxseed, canola meal, feed wheat and western barley, pending regulatory non-disapproval.
The Honorable Jed Rakoff Approves Settlement Of SEC'S Claim For A Civil Penalty Against Worldcom
Date 07/07/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that the United States District Court Judge Jed Rakoff issued an Opinion and Order approving the SEC's settlement with WorldCom, Inc.
Stockholmsbörsen - Statistical Report January-June 2003
Date 07/07/2003
Total share turnover amounted to SEK 1 093 (1 574) billion. The turnover rate was 125 (124) per cent. The total derivative-trading turnover amounted to 34 189 282 (29 158 934) contracts. The All Share Index, SAX, closed at 160.6 (149.6), representing an increase of 7.4% since December 31st, 2002. The number of listed companies amounted to 285 at the end of June (31.12.2002: 297). The number of members amounted to 77 at the end of June (31.12. 2002: 83). <
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Announces Volume Increases In All Options Products For June
Date 07/07/2003
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange announced today that volume increased in all options products for the month of June.
OneChicago Week In Review
Date 07/07/2003
NZX IPO Closes After Heavy Retail Interest
Date 07/07/2003
New Zealand Exchange Limited (NZX) wishes to announce that its IPO closed on Friday 4 July after much interest from New Zealand investors. The public issue was oversubscribed and all staff, Directors, NZX Firm, and Institutional allocations were fully taken up.
NZAX Market In Final Stages Of Development
Date 07/07/2003
NZX wishes to announce that it has reached a significant milestone in the development of its new NZAX market. Having applied for and submitted the necessary exemptions and draft NZAX Listing Rules to the Securities Commission for review, Phase One of development of the new NZAX market is now complete. The submission of the draft Listing Rules is the precursor to the approval process, as outlined in the Securities Markets Act 1988, which concludes with the Minister of Commerce ultimately approv
MTS To Expand Its Money Market Operations - Ian Forrest Joins As Head Of MTS Money Markets
Date 07/07/2003
MTS is pleased to announce that in response to the strong growth of its repo market, it intends to expand its money markets operations to include other short term products, thereby bringing the transparency, liquidity and efficiencies offered by MTS to additional markets and clients. In conjunction with the expansion, Ian Forrest has joined MTS as Head of Money Markets. Forrest brings to MTS a wealth of experience in money market related transactions as well as expertise in implementing appropr
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