Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • ICEX Monthly Statistics: June 2003

    Date 02/07/2003

    ICEX montly statistics for June 2003 have been published.

  • Futures & Options On The RTS Stock Exchange: June Monthly Data

    Date 02/07/2003

    In June 2003, trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 2 549 thousand contracts or 17 289 million rubles in underlying value. In May these numbers equaled 3 662 thousand contracts and 21 542 million rubles in underlying value. Total open interest as of June 30th, 2003, stood at 354 thousand contracts or 2 433 million rubles in underlying value, compared with 3 060 million rubles and 493 thousand contracts at the end of May.

  • Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Merrill Lynch Introduce Commodity TRAKRS<SUP>SM</SUP> Contracts - The Most Successful TRAKRS Launch To Date

    Date 02/07/2003

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) yesterday launched Commodity TRAKRSSM futures, the fourth in a series of non-traditional futures products developed by CME and Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (NYSE: MER). In a special opening procedure concluded at 3 p.m. Central time yesterday, 5 million Commodity TRAKRS contracts representing $125 million were traded. This has been the most successful launch of a TRAKRS contract, exceeding the previous record of 2.6 million contracts traded in a

  • CBOT: June Volume Second-Highest Monthly Volume Total At 41,194,464

    Date 02/07/2003

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced trading volume of 41,194,464 contracts for June 2003, up 41.9% from June 2002 and up 37.7% year-to-date (YTD). June 2003 volume was the second-highest monthly volume total in exchange history.

  • Taiwan Futures Exchange June 2003 Trading Statistics

    Date 01/07/2003

    20 trading days Average daily trading volume (futures & options): 130,148 contracts