Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For June 2003

    Date 11/07/2003

    The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 3,590.5 points at the end of June 2003, a decrease of 145.7 points from the closing value at the end of June. The weighted index reached 229.61 points at the end of June, a decrease of 8.36 points from the closing value at the end of May.

  • Instinet Announces June 2003 Transaction Information

    Date 11/07/2003

    Instinet Group Incorporated (NASDAQ: INET) announced today that its U.S. equity share volume in June 2003 was 13,250 million shares. (1) This compares to 12,756 million shares in May 2003 and 6,946 million shares in June 2002.

  • Extraordinary General Meeting Of OM Shareholders On Account Of The Merger Between OM And HEX

    Date 11/07/2003

    OM's Board of Directors has, on account of OM's public offer to the shareholders and warrant holders of HEX, decided to propose that an extraordinary general meeting of OM shareholders authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of a maximum of 31,785,027 new shares to be used as consideration in the offer. As previously announced, OM offers 2.5 new shares in OM for each share in HEX.

  • Eurex: 65,087 Contracts Traded Make Market Share Of 32.9 Percent On July 10

    Date 11/07/2003

    65,087 contracts traded make market share of 32.9 percent on July 10 65,087 contracts traded make market share of 32.9 percent on July 10

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Appoints New Secretary General

    Date 10/07/2003

    Dr. Tabrizi succeeds Dr. Ahmad Mir Motahari, who held the position of Secretary General since 1997. Dr. Mir Motahari will serve as the head of the Iranian Privatization Organization.<