FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
MICEX: The Total Volume Of Currency Transactions In SELT Exceeds 400 Billion Dollars
Date 10/07/2003
It is six years since the system of electronic lot trading (SELT) was put into operation on the MICEX. The implementation of SELT gave banks a reliable and effective system of conducting forex transactions, working in the real-time mode.
Kardan Listed On Euronext Amsterdam
Date 10/07/2003
The Kardan Group (Kardan) and Euronext N.V. announce today that Kardan has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam. The Kardan shares will also be listed on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange.
ICEX News & Views
Date 10/07/2003
Webcasts of investor meetings held by listed companies is the subject of this issue.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. Announces Date Of Second Quarter Earnings Announcement, Conference Call
Date 10/07/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (NYSE: CME) will announce earnings for the second quarter of 2003 before the financial markets open on Tuesday, July 22, 2003. The company has scheduled an investor conference call that day at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time (7:30 a.m. Central time).
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Expands Telecommunications Connectivity Alternatives For GLOBEX®, CLEARING 21® And Market Data Customers
Date 10/07/2003
To expand telecommunications alternatives for users of its GLOBEX® electronic trading platform, CLEARING 21® system and market data, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) today announced two new offerings, as well as a number of enhancements to its existing access option. The alternatives include access to CME systems from virtually any location in the world via the Internet.
CBOT Ag Trading Halted At 10:51 A.M. Due To Technical Problems
Date 10/07/2003
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, due to technical problems with the order routing system, the Chicago Board of Trade management halted trading at 10:25 a.m. (Chicago time), the ag markets resumed trading briefly at 10:45 a.m. but trading was again suspended at 10:51 a.m. CBOT® announces ag trading will resume at 11:45 a.m. (Chicago time).
Cairo & Alexandria Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistical Report June 2003
Date 10/07/2003
Borsa Italiana: June Sees Growth In Trading Volumes - Trading In Shares At Highest Level Since November 2000 - New Record For Stock Futures And EFTs
Date 10/07/2003
In June, the Italian stock market was characterised by growth in trading volumes and share price stability. Trading in shares listed on the stock exchange topped three billion euros per day, thus recording the highest turnover since November 2000.
Baltic Maintains Financial Strength And Focuses On Freight Market Information
Date 10/07/2003
Speaking today on the Baltic's annual general meeting, Chairman, Peter Kitching reassured shareholders that that the financial position of the Exchange remained "fundamentally strong." The focus was now on the electronic distribution of the Exchange's freight market information.
ASX Responds To Market Efficiency Paper Published In Handbook Of World Stock, Derivative And Commodity Exchanges
Date 10/07/2003
A research paper by Professor Michael Aitken published in draft form last November, and now in the on-line publication The Handbook of World Stock, Derivative and Commodity Exchanges, sets out to examine the efficiency and integrity of 21 Exchanges in the Americas, Europe and Asia. In interpreting this paper, it is necessary to understand the premises that underlie the study - assumptions that ASX believes require the "indicative results" to be approached with considerable caution.
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