Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: June Market Data

    Date 02/07/2003

    In June 2003 total trading volume on Classic Market reached 476 million US dollars, down from 563 million dollars in May. Shares traded on the Classic market 4 073 times, compared with 4 768 times in May.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: June Data

    Date 02/07/2003

    For the month of June total trading volume on RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, equaled 1 201 thousand dollars, down from 3 190 thousand US dollars in May. Moscow City Bonds accounted for 97% of total turnover; "Mellyanneft" bonds - for 2.2% of total volume, and "Slavneft" bonds - for 0.6% of total volume. In May fixed-income securities traded 24 times, down from 44 times in May.

  • OM Rejects Lawsuit From eSpeed Statement From OM Regarding eSpeed Lawsuit

    Date 02/07/2003

    Broker Tec USA, Broker Tec Global, its parent ICAP, Garban, OM Technology, and the parent company OM AB have been sued by eSpeed regarding alleged infringement of U.S. patent 6,560,580 B1. OM has been sued in connection with its delivery of software specially made for BrokerTec, a US electronic fixed income marketplace.

  • NQLX June 2003 Volume

    Date 02/07/2003

    NQLX announced today that 130,516 contracts were traded in June. Average daily volume (ADV) in June was 6,215 contracts. That is a 161% percent increase from the May ADV of 2,385.

  • NQLX iShares Russell 2000 Breaks ETF Security Futures Mark

    Date 02/07/2003

    NQLX announced today that its iShares Russell 2000 (IWM) Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) contract has broken the industry record for ETF security futures monthly volume. The month of June saw 47,418 iShares Russell 2000 contracts traded with an average daily volume of 2,258 - both industry records. The iShares Russell 2000 security futures contract is listed exclusively on NQLX.

  • London Metal Exchange June 2003 Volume

    Date 02/07/2003

    The London Metal Exchange traded a total of 5,818,380 lots in June 2003. This figure was made up of 5,489,390 lots of futures, 246,731 lots of options and 82,259 lots of TAPOs.

  • Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Sector Update

    Date 02/07/2003

    The Index Sub-Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) has decided to update the classification of sector for Formis (Malaysia) Berhad to come into effect at 9.00a.m., 4 July 2003.

  • June Volume: CME Posts Record Volume Quarter And Month As Average Daily Volume In June Surpasses 3 Million Contracts For First Time

    Date 02/07/2003

    Trading activity on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) in June pushed the exchange to new all-time quarterly and monthly volume records as more than 63.6 million contracts changed hands. Average daily volume exceeded 3 million contracts for the first time ever in a single month.

  • IPE Posts Record Volumes In June

    Date 02/07/2003

    June 2003 saw record activity for the month at the IPE, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange. In total, the IPE traded some 2.7 Million contracts, an increase of 12.4% on the previous June record set in 2001.

  • ICEX News & Views

    Date 02/07/2003

    Accounting practices of listed companies and changes in ICEX market reports are the topics of this issue.