Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOE Lists 5.5 Million Warrants On Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc.

    Date 18/10/1999

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today began trading two year Call Warrants on the Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc. 1999 TEN+SM Index under the symbol TEP (TEP.WS) which were priced on October 11, 1999. The offering, underwritten by Salomon Smith Barney, consisted of 5.5 million Warrants priced at $3.50 per Warrant for an aggregate amount of $19,250,000.

  • 4M Technologies Holding Opens 5,3 % Above Initial Offering Price

    Date 18/10/1999

    The shares of the information technology firm 4M Technologies Holding were traded on the SWX Swiss Exchange for the first time today. The issuance price was set Sunday evening at CHF 300.00. The opening price in SWX dealings stood 5,3 % above that level at CHF 316.00, representing a total market capitalisation for the company of CHF 230 million.

  • Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) - Five New Open Interest Records

    Date 15/10/1999

    Five more new records were set in open interest this week for futures and options contracts traded on Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE).

  • The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Market Statistics September

    Date 15/10/1999

    The average daily turnover for the 21 trading days in September was HKD8,664 million, an increase of 49 percent compared with the previous month. Total turnover value for the month was HKD181,937 million compared with HKD128,209 in August.

  • The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE) Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement

    Date 15/10/1999

    The Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc. (PSE) is pleased to disclose its readiness to meet the challenges posed by the coming of the new millenium. The PSE assures all market participants of its commitment to ensure the reliability of its trading system and continued service to all its Member Brokers even beyond the year 2000.

  • SWX And Private Investors Get Closer Together - Starting October 18, Also Small Orders Can Be Entered With A Price Limit On The SWX Swiss Exchange.

    Date 15/10/1999

    Good news for private investors. As of October 18, the same conditions will apply for small trades as they do for the orders of large institutional investors. Up until now, shares were traded on SWX only in what are known as round lots. Depending on the price of the stock, a prescribed minimum number of shares constituted an official round lot. The tradability of smaller-sized tickets, so-called fractional orders or odd lots, at times was impeded to a certain extent. Specifically, no odd lots c

  • SFE Chief To Become CEO Of The Australian Centre For Global Finance

    Date 15/10/1999

    The Board of the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) has accepted the resignation of its Chief Executive, Mr Leslie Hosking, following his decision to take-up an Australian Government appointment as Chief Executive of the Australian Centre for Global Finance in January 2000.

  • SADC - Listings Requirements Harmonised

    Date 15/10/1999

    The SADC Committee of Stock Exchanges is pleased to announce that the following Stock Exchanges have harmonised their Listings Requirements based on 13 principles extracted from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange's Listing Requirements: Botswana Stock Exchange, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Malawi Stock Exchange, Namibian Stock Exchange, Lusaka Stock Exchange, Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

  • New participant On SWX

    Date 15/10/1999

    The SWX Swiss Exchange has accepted Agon Wertpapier Handelsgesellschaft mbh, Köln, as a Participant. The new participant will commence trading activities on the SWX platform on Monday, 18 October 1999.

  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistics September

    Date 15/10/1999

    The total turnover of securities on the Exchange amounted to SIT23.5 billion in September and reached the second highest value this year, after the amount of SIT17.8 billion in August. In 1999 the Exchange recorded a higher total turnover only in March (SIT24.3 billion). The total turnover in September 1998 was 13.8 billion. The total turnover on the Exchange in the first nine months of this year amounted to SIT172.1 billion and was more than 60% higher than the figure of the same period in the