Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics - September

    Date 16/10/2000

    Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics - September Riga September was a busy trading month at the Riga Stock Exchange. Total Latvian capital market turnover amounted to EUR 101 million, equity trading volume reaching EUR 26.37 million, yet not managing to beat the record-high LVL 30.44 million in May. Debt securities were traded at EUR 74.63 million worth. Equity market capitalisation at the end of the month was LVL 332.45 million (EUR 611.94 million), which is a 10.98% more t

  • World First: Euronext Launches Wine Future - New Wine Futures Contracts For Fine Bordeaux Wines

    Date 13/10/2000

    Euronext, the first pan-European bourse created by the merger of the Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris stock exchanges, today announced plans to launch the world's first wine futures.

  • Watson Wyatt And Schering Join Roster Of NYSE-Listed Stocks

    Date 13/10/2000

    In the week ended today, two companies joined the ranks of New York Stock Exchange-listed companies.

  • The Offer To Acquire Shares In OM Technology Subsidiary Orc Software Was Oversubscribed

    Date 13/10/2000

    Orc Software today announces that the interest in shares in Orc Software AB (publ) has been high and the offering was oversubscribed. The price per share has been set at SEK 120 and the company will be listed on the OM Stockholm Exchange O-list as of October 19, 2000.

  • Pacific Exchange To Trade Options On Nuance Communications, Inc.

    Date 13/10/2000

    The Pacific Exchange (PCX) will begin trading options on Nuance Communications, Inc. (NUAN/ NUD) on Monday, October 16, 2000. For expiration cycles and strike prices, visit the PCX Web site at NUD options will trade on the February expiration cycle. Position and exercise limits have been set at 31,500 contracts. NUD options have been allocated to lead market makers Megan Trainer, Vance Hillstrom, and Shaun Bishop of Cole Roesler Trading Group.

  • OM Group Increased Offer For London Stock Exchange PLC

    Date 13/10/2000

    OM Group announces an Increased Offer for the whole of the issued share capital of LSE. OM is today posting its Increased Offer Document to LSE Shareholders, in which OM sets out its vision for the development of a pan- European equity market and the terms of its Increased Offer. The Directors of OM have listened to the LSE Shareholders and believe that the Increased Offer is attractive for them.

  • Nymex To Increase Oil Margins As Of Close Of Business Today

    Date 13/10/2000

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will raise the margins on its crude oil, heating oil and unleaded gasoline futures contracts as of the close of business today.

  • NYMEX Sets NYMEX Division Daily Records

    Date 13/10/2000

    Daily records were set yesterday on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange for Division-wide volume; futures volume; options volume; energy futures volume; and crude oil futures volume.

  • LSE Board Continues To Reject OM Bid

    Date 13/10/2000

    The Board of the London Stock Exchange plc has considered the increased bid from OM Gruppen. The Board believes that OM's revised offer continues to represent inadequate value for shareholders and offers no proven benefits for customers. It urges shareholders to reject the offer from OM.

  • Charles H. Falk Named NYBOT Chairman

    Date 13/10/2000

    The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) has announced that Charles H. (“Harry”) Falk has been selected as the company’s new Chairman. At its October 11 meeting, the NYBOT Board of Directors named him to replace Albert M. Weis who is retiring after serving in the post since June 1998.

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