Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices

    Date 18/08/2003

    Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index change effective after the close of business on Tuesday, August 19, 2003: The relative weight of Noranda Inc. (TSX:NRD) will increase by approximately 0.05% in the S&P/TSX Composite and Capped Composite Indices, by 0.07% in the S&P/TSX 60 and 60 Capped Indices, by 0.06% in the TSX 100 Index, by 0.38% in the S&P/TSX Capped Materials Index and by 2.21% in the S&P/TSX Capped Diversified Metals & Mining Index. The rela

  • SEC Sues NCFE Executive For Role In $1 Billion Fraud

    Date 18/08/2003

    The Securities and Exchange Commission today sued Sherry L. Gibson, an Executive Vice President at National Century Financial Enterprises, Inc. (NCFE), alleging that Gibson participated in a scheme to defraud investors in securities issued by subsidiaries of NCFE. NCFE, a private corporation located in Dublin, Ohio, and its subsidiaries collapsed suddenly in October 2002 when investors discovered that the companies had hidden massive cash and collateral shortfalls from investors and auditors. Th

  • RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 18/08/2003

    For the period of August 11th - August 15th, 2003, total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) decreased by 19% and equaled 2 937 million rubles. Internet trading accounted for 33% of total trading volume in rubles, up from 28% the previous week. 5 155 transactions were closed, 22% from 4 212 transactions last week.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 18/08/2003

    For the week of August 11th - August 15th, 2003, the RTS Index closed up 7.98 percent at 510.84 while the RTS Technical Index rose 8.08 percent, from 519.64 to 561.64.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Market Data

    Date 18/08/2003

    For the week of August 11th-August 15th, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, decreased from 6 769 to 2 256 thousand rubles. One trade was registered, compared with three trades the week before.

  • Performance Of The MICEX Markets In July 2003

    Date 18/08/2003

    In July, the total trading volume on the MICEX reached 25,0 billion dollars, exceeding the June figure by 3%.

  • OneChicago Week In Review

    Date 18/08/2003

    DIAMONDS ® Spreads Futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) bid/ask spread performance last week: 5.4-cent spread on average*, a 16% improvement over the previous week LI> OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) on AMEX 83% of the time*, a 19% improvement over the previous week OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA ETF on Nasdaq 48% of the time*, an 83% improvement over the previous

  • NQLX eMarket Newsletter Summer 2003

    Date 18/08/2003

    Please click here to view the NQLX eMarket Newsletter Summer 2003.

  • NASD Files Three Enforcement Actions For Fraudulent Hedge Fund Offerings

    Date 18/08/2003

    NASD announced today that it has brought three separate enforcement actions alleging multi-million dollar fraudulent hedge fund offerings. These actions, two filed as complaints and one as a settled matter, are the most recent cases in NASD's continuing focus on the sale and marketing of hedge funds and private investment partnerships.

  • MICEX Trading System Adopts New Technologies Of Concluding And Executing REPO Transactions In Government Securities

    Date 18/08/2003

    Under the program of the development of the national debt market, the MICEX is implementing new financial instruments and optimizing the conditions of concluding operations in government securities. In particular, on 11 August, 2003, the MICEX launched new technologies of concluding and executing transactions in government securities, stipulated in the Bank of Russia's regulations #219-P "On the serving and the circulation of issues of Federal government securities on the MICEX" and #220-P "On t