Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • ASX Election Of Directors And Annual General Meeting

    Date 27/08/2003

    In accordance with listing rule 3.13.1, Australian Stock Exchange Limited advises that the annual general meeting has been scheduled for Thursday 23 October 2003 at 11am in Sydney. At that meeting, an item of business will be the election of directors. Under the constitution Mr Sharpe and Mrs Walter will retire as directors and being eligible will offer themselves for re-election. As previously advised, Mr Fowles will not be seeking re-election and will retire effective 30 September 2003. Ms Seg

  • ASX Consolidated Financial Statements Including Additional Appendix 4E Disclosures For The Year Ended 30 June 2003

    Date 27/08/2003

    Please click here for consolidated financial statements including additional Appendix 4E disclosures for the year ended 30 June 2003.

  • ASX Annual Results Webcast

    Date 27/08/2003

    ASX's full year results for year end 30 June 2003 were released on Wednesday 27 August 2003. An audio webcast of the presentation to Analysts by Richard Humphry, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer and John Hayes, Chief Financial Officer, will be broadcast live at 11.30am (EST).

  • The NASDAQ Stock Market Announces Open Short- Interest Positions In NASDAQ Stocks For August 2003

    Date 26/08/2003

    As of mid-August, short interest in 2,760 NASDAQ National MarketĀ® securities totaled 4,253,616,217 shares compared with 4,535,616,667 shares in 2,776 National Market issues for the month of July.

  • Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices

    Date 26/08/2003

    Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index change effective after the close of business on Wednesday, August 27, 2003: The relative weight of Superior Plus Income Fund (TSX:SPF.UN - GICS 20107010 - Trading Companies & Distributors) will increase by approximately 0.27% in the S&P/TSX Capped Income Trust Index. The relative weight change reflects an adjustment to the float trust units of the income trust due to the issuance of units.