Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices

    Date 05/04/2004

    Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index changes effective after the close of business on Tuesday, April 6, 2004:

  • SEC: Matthew Well Named Public Affairs Director

    Date 05/04/2004

    The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that Matthew Well has joined the agency as Director of the Office of Public Affairs. In this position, Well will serve as the agency's principal spokesperson, responsible for the agency's day-to-day media relations and public relations about Commission activities. He will report to the Managing Executive for External Affairs, Laura L. Cox, who is responsible for strategic oversight and management of public affairs, legislative and intergover

  • SEC, NASAA To Co-Sponsor Conference On Federal-State Securities Regulation

    Date 05/04/2004

    The Securities and Exchange Commission and the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) today announced that they will co-sponsor their annual Conference on Federal-State Securities Regulation. The conference, which will be held on April 19, 2004, in Washington, D.C., is conducted each year in accordance with Section 19(d) of the Securities Act of 1933. It brings together federal and state securities regulators to discuss issues of common concern.

  • RTS Stock Exchange - Order-Driven Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the week of March 29th - April 2nd, 2004, the total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) reached 7 946 million rubles. Internet trading accounted for 32%, same as last week. 9 091 transactions were executed.

  • RTS Stock Exchange - FORTS: Weekly Market Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the week of March 29th - April 2nd, 2004, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 601 thousand contracts and 5 036 million rubles. Total open interest as of April 2nd, 2004, increased by 13% in rubles and 11% in contracts and reached 6 492 million rubles and 755 thousand contracts.

  • RTS Stock Exchange - Classic Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the week of March 29th - April 2nd, 2004, the RTS Index grew by 5.93% points and reached 759.01. The RTS Technical Index closed at 834,60, 6.40% points lower than the previous week's 784.43.

  • RTS Order-Driven Market: I Quarter 2004 Market Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the period of January 5th - March 31st, 2004, total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) increased by 64% and reached 141 billion rubles. 154 380 transactions were executed.

  • RTS FORTS: 1 Quarter 2004 Monthly Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    In the 1st quarter of 2004 total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 66,9 billion rubles and 8 431 thousand contracts. Total open interest as of March 31st, 2004, equaled 6.1 billion rubles and 719 thousand contracts.

  • RTS Classic Market: I Quarter 2004 Market Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the first quarter of 2004 (January 5th - March 31st, 2004) total trading volume on Classic market equaled 1 524 million US dollars compared with 1 824 million US dollars in the fourth quarter of 2003.

  • RTS Board: I Quarter 2004 Data

    Date 05/04/2004

    For the first quarter of 2004 (January 5th - March 31st, 2004), total trading volume on the RTS Board increased by 96% and reached 49 million US dollars, up from 25 million dollars in the last quarter of 2003. 1 615 trades were registered, the 75% increase.