Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Hong Kong Futures Exchange: HNP Futures And Options To Be Adjusted

    Date 02/04/2004

    Hong Kong Futures Exchange, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and the SEHK Options Clearing House Limited, a wholly-owned member of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Group, have jointly announced the arrangements for adjustments to the contract terms of all open futures and options contracts on shares of Huaneng Power International Inc. (HNP) to account for a proposed bonus issue and a proposed capital conversion plan by HNP.

  • HKEx Announces Chairman's Reappointment

    Date 02/04/2004

    The board of directors of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has reappointed Charles Lee as the chairman of HKEx. The reappointment will take effect following the written approval of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

  • Futures & Options On the RTS Stock Exchange: March 2004 Monthly Data

    Date 02/04/2004

    In March 2004 total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) increased by 30% in rubles and 25% in contracts and reached 3,4 million contracts and 28 billion rubles. Total open interest as of March 31st, 2004, equaled 6.1 billion rubles and 719 thousand contracts.

  • First ETFs Based On NYSE Indexes Complete First Day Of Trading - iShares NYSE 100 Index Fund Trades More Than 1.5 Million Shares

    Date 02/04/2004

    The iShares NYSE 100 Index Fund (NYSE:NY) and the iShares NYSE Composite Index Fund (NYSE:NYC) began trading today, becoming the first ETFs to be based on NYSE-branded indexes. Both funds are sponsored by Barclay's Global Investors (BGI) and give investors access to the quality and diversity of NYSE issuers in a single trade. In its first day, the iShares NYSE 100 traded actively, with volume of more than 1.5 million shares. The iShares NYSE Composite fund traded 28,000 shares.

  • Financial Services: New Group Will Give Consumers And SMEs A Stronger Voice In EU Policy Making

    Date 02/04/2004

    The first meeting of a new expert forum called FIN-USE is taking place on Friday 2 April. The new forum will provide policy input to the European Commission on European financial services issues from the point of view of users of those services (in other words consumers and SMEs).