FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Eurex Repo Boosts April Turnover By 33 Percent - Eurex Repo Euro Market Grows By 56 Percent - Swiss Franc Repo Market Up 22 Percent
Date 03/05/2005
The repo markets on the Eurex derivatives exchange continue to realize growth, with Eurex Repo, the electronic repo trading platform for the Swiss Franc and Euro Repo markets, experiencing further increases in outstanding volumes in April. Eurex Repo recorded a 33 percent increase in average outstanding volume, growing to €67.8 billion (April 2004: €51 billion).
EU Financial Services Policy For The Next Five Years
Date 03/05/2005
A new European Commission Green Paper launches ideas to further integrate EU financial markets. It focuses primarily on implementing existing rules agreed under the Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) and on cooperation, rather than proposing new laws. It explores ways of improving cross-border access to retail financial services and asset management. The Green Paper is open for public consultation until 1 August 2005. The final financial services policy programme will be prese
Dubai International Financial Exchange Conference Attracts Major UAE Companies Interested In Listing On Its Exchange
Date 03/05/2005
Twenty-six United Arab Emirates (UAE) companies attended a conference on Wednesday to hear the Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) explain the advantages of listing shares and other securities on its market.
Deputy Prime Minister And Finance Minister Urges Relevant Parties To Keep Their Spirits Up For Developing The Stock Exchange Of Thailand In The Future
Date 03/05/2005
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Dr. Somkid Jatusripitak made a special keynote address commemorating the 30th Anniversary of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). At the event held in the SET building, Dr. Somkid praised all the relevant parties for the great spirit they’ve shown in driving the Thai capital market through some critical moments over the past 30 years.
Committee of European Securities Regulators Submits Its Second Technical Advice To The European Commission Under The Directive On Markets In Financial Instruments (MiFID)
Date 03/05/2005
This Technical Advice is accompanied by a Feedback Statement and a press release.
Bustling Activity In April On All Markets Of The Copenhagen Stock Exchange Relative To April 2004
Date 03/05/2005
In April, share trading surged 47 percent compared with April 2004 and reached DKK 71.6 billion corresponding to DKK 3.6 billion on average per trading day. However, compared with March this year, which broke all previous records, share trading is down 7 percent putting April in second place measured by turnover. The number of transactions saw an all-time high with 293,645 trades thus advancing 61 percent on April last year and 7 percent on March this year.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Board Report - April 2005
Date 02/05/2005
FY2004 Consolidated Results TSE recorded widespread increases in income and profits for FY 2004 (fiscal year ending March 31, 2005) due to increased trading in the market and financing of listed companies. As a result, operating income an increased 4,428 million JPY from the previous period to 53,071 million JPY, operating profit increased 3,154 million JPY from the previous period to 11,360 million JPY, and ordinary income increased 3,408 million JPY from the previous period of 12,0
Tokyo Commodity Exchange Margin And Price Limit As Of May 2, 2005
Date 02/05/2005
Please click here for Margin and Price Limit as of May 2, 2005.
SWX Swiss Exchange And virt-x: Key Figures April 2005
Date 02/05/2005
Trading days: 21
Standard & Poor's Reports April Index Returns
Date 02/05/2005
Click here to download Standard & Poor's April index returns.
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