FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Galeries Lafayette Removed From Next 150 Index
Date 12/05/2005
New composition of Next 150 Index
FTSE: Measuring The Impact Of Corporate Governance On Global Portfolios – New Report Available
Date 12/05/2005
FTSE Group are pleased to announce the publication of a research paper based on the FTSE ISS Corporate Governance Index (CGI) Series launched last month. To receive a copy of this report click here.
Four New Indexchange ETFs Launched In The XTF Segment On Xetra - First ETF On An Index For Eastern Europe And New EU Member States In XTF - Range Extended To Include ETFs For European Dividend Strategies - XTF Segment With The Largest Number Of Internatio
Date 12/05/2005
Deutsche Börse continues to expand its XTF segment for exchange-traded index funds. Since Thursday, May 12, four new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from the issuer INDEXCHANGE Investment AG have been tradable in XTF. The Dow Jones STOXX EU Enlarged 15SM EX represents the first ETF on an index for Eastern Europe and new EU member states. With the two ETFs, Dow Jones STOXXSM Select Dividend 30 EX and Dow Jones EURO STOXXSM Select Dividend 30 EX, Indexchange is extending its range of exchange-traded
First ETF Scheduled To List On Bursa Malaysia In End Of Second Quarter 2005
Date 12/05/2005
Bursa Malaysia Berhad (Bursa Malaysia) is pleased to announce that the first Bond Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), called ABF Malaysia Bond Index Fund (ABFM) will be listed on Bursa at the end of the second quarter of 2005.
Fimat To Expand Execution & Clearing Services To All U.S. Equities Markets Through Acquisition Of PreferredTrade Assets
Date 12/05/2005
The Fimat Group announced today that it will expand its global range of brokerage services to include the clearing of the entire U.S. listed equities complex, consisting of cash equities, listed equity options and index futures and options, continuing to evolve into a truly global agency broker.
Euronext Q1, 2005 Revenues Amount To €222.6mn, From €236.7mn In Q1, 2004 Which Was A Record Quarter In Terms Of Activity And Revenues
Date 12/05/2005
Euronext N.V. reports today its 1st quarter revenues of €222.6mn, down 6% compared to Q1, 2004 which was a record quarter. During the first quarter 2005 our derivatives trading activity suffered from the lack of volatility of the short term part of the interest rates curve as well as equity options, explaining the decrease in revenues compared to 2004 where volumes were at an all time high. Q1 EBITA will incorporate this decrease in revenues but be in line both with 2004 average quarterly
Cube Financial Ltd. New Member Of Oslo Børs
Date 12/05/2005
The British investment firm Cube Financial Limited will start direct trading in shares on Oslo Børs from Friday 13 May. This brings the number of investment firms with remote membership of Oslo Børs to 16 out of a total of 39 members.
Covered Bonds See Strong Growth On MTS Markets and BondVision
Date 12/05/2005
MTS is pleased to announce strong growth in its covered bond markets in 2005 with the addition of new dealers contributing to record turnover on both the MTS Cedulas market and on the BondVision dealer-to-client market.
Constituent Review Of The S&P ADR Indices
Date 12/05/2005
Click here to download details of the constituent review of the S&P ADR indices.
CBOT May 12, 2005 Treasury Conversion Factors
Date 12/05/2005
The attached conversion factor tables for the CBOT U.S. Treasury Bond and Note futures complex have been revised to include conversion factors for the following government securities that were auctioned on May 10-12 by the U.S. Treasury Department: 1.) 3-3/4s of May 2008 (i.e., a new 3-year note); 2.) 3-7/8s of May 2010 (i.e., a new 5-year note); and 3.) 4-1/8s of May 2015 (i.e., a new 10-year note).
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