FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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NYMEX To List American Style Crude Options On NYMEX Clearport®
Date 04/04/2007
New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. today announced that it will list American&150;style crude options on NYMEX ClearPort® beginning on April 15 for the trade date of April 16, 2007.
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange To Begin Trading Four New Quarterly Options On Monday, April 9
Date 04/04/2007
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that it will begin to trade four new quarterly options on Monday, April 9, 2007. These options expire at the close of business on the last business day of the calendar quarter and are settled against the closing value of the underlying index on that day. Susquehanna Investment Group is the specialist for the following quarterly options:
NYMEX To Change Margins For Propane Futures Contracts
Date 04/04/2007
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. today announced margin changes for its propane futures contracts, effective at the close of business tomorrow. <
Company Share Changes In The S&P/CITIC 300 Index
Date 04/04/2007
S&P/CITIC Index Information Services Co., Ltd. will make the following change in the S&P/CITIC 300 Index effective after the close of trading on Thursday April 5, 2007. Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd. (Exchange Ticker: SZ000636, GICS code: 45203010), a member of S&P/CITIC 300 Index, will increase its index shares from 361,128,789 to 513,674,685. This change is pursuant to a resumption of trading in 152,545,896 shares that are considered available float shares. As a
SEC Commissioners Endorse Improved Sarbanes-Oxley Implementation To Ease Smaller Company Burdens, Focusing Effort On 'What Truly Matters'
Date 04/04/2007
The SEC's Commissioners today endorsed the recommendations of the agency's professional staff to eliminate waste and duplication in the Sarbanes-Oxley compliance exercise, in a move that will particularly benefit smaller companies. The Commissioners urged the SEC staff to continue to work closely with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to make the internal controls provisions of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 more efficient and cost effective.
NYMEX To Change Margins For Financially Settled Electricity Futures Contracts
Date 04/04/2007
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. today announced margin changes for some of its financially settled electricity futures contracts on NYMEX ClearPort®, effective at the close of business tomorrow.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Stats Bulletin For March 2007
Date 04/04/2007
Click here to download Winnipeg Commodity Exchange's statistics bulletin for March 2007.
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange To Begin Trading Two New Options On Thursday, April 5
Date 04/04/2007
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that it will begin to trade two new options on April 5, 2007.
Tim Chapman Joins Jordan & Jordan As Director, Management Consultant
Date 04/04/2007
Timothy Chapman has joined Jordan & Jordan’s Management Consulting Practice to focus on electronic trading tools and market strategies. With a unique blend of market and business knowledge, as well as product planning and development expertise, Tim’s insights will assist market participants, including dealers, exchanges and service vendors, in meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing market environment with the evolution of Order Management Systems (OMS), Execution Management Systems (EM
LME To Deliver Free Hedging Workshops For Plastics Industry
Date 04/04/2007
The LME will be offering two half-day hedging workshops to attendees of the K2007 exhibition, which runs from 24th – 31st October 2007 in Düsseldorf, Germany. Hedging workshops will be hosted on the afternoons of 26th and 30th October. Commenting on the programme of events, Neil Banks, Director of Exchange Development, said:
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