Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • In The Nearest Future, The Bank Of Russia Will Begin To Provide Collateral Credits Using The MICEX Trading System

    Date 28/02/2007

    The Bank of Russia and the MICEX Settlement House have signed an agreement of cooperation, under which the two organizations will interact in providing credits of the Bank of Russia to lending institutions. This will enable to organize, through the MICEX SH, the service of collateral crediting transactions concluded in accordance with the Statute of the Bank of Russia #236-P of 4 August 2003 “On the Order of Providing the Bank of Russia’s Credits to Lending Institutions, Covered by Collateral

  • ISE Announces Record Daily Trading Volume

    Date 28/02/2007

    The International Securities Exchange (NYSE:ISE) announced that it set a new record daily trading volume of 5,531,875 equity and index options contracts on Tuesday, February 27, 2007. ISE is pleased to report that its highly reliable and scalable trading platform effectively handled almost one million more contracts than the previous record of 4,580,678 contracts, set on January 20, 2006.

  • Euroclear Bank Introduces Unlimited Collateral Re-Use Feature

    Date 28/02/2007

    Effective immediately, Euroclear Bank’s triparty collateral management clients can increase the liquidity of their securities collateral by re-using these securities to cover multiple exposures arising from repos, securities lending, derivatives or other collateralised transactions with different counterparties. Currently valued at over EUR 320 billion daily, client collateral administered by Euroclear Bank, as triparty agent, represents tremendous re-use potential as clients now have t

  • Latest ICMA Survey Shows Strong Growth In European Repo Market Over 2006

    Date 28/02/2007

    The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) today released the results of its 12th semi-annual survey of the European repo market. The survey, which is effectively a snapshot of the volume of repo trades outstanding on December 13, 2006, shows market size at over EUR 6,430 billion (EUR 6.4 trillion), an annual increase of 14% over 2006, compared with an increase of 18% in 2005.

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Record Trading on February 27, 2008

    Date 28/02/2007

    Tuesday, February 27, 2007 was a record day of trading on Toronto Stock Exchange with 615,234 trades taking place. This surpassed the previous record set on November 1st, 2006 of 614,446.