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Osaka Securities Exchange Trading Overview In March 2007 & Fiscal Year 2006 (April 2006 - March 2007)
Date 03/04/2007
Click here to download Osaka Securities Exchange trading overview for March 2007 and fiscal year 2006 (April 2006 - March 2007).
NZX Operating Metrics March 2007
Date 03/04/2007
Key Facts The NZX 50 Index ended the month on 4107, an 11% increase on March 2006. Total number of trades was 51,847, an 11% decrease on March 2006. Average number of daily trades was 2,475 for March, an 8% decrease on March 2006. Total value traded in March was $3.09 billion, a 22% decrease on March 2006. Average daily value traded of $140 million, a 19% decrease on March 2006. Total number of trades for the NZSX wa
US Securities Industry ’06 Profits Complete Record Breaking Year
Date 02/04/2007
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) today announced the US securities industry had a record breaking year in 2006, reporting full-year profits of $33.1 billion – 88.2% above the $17.6 billion earned in 2005, and 4.7% above the previous record of $31.6 billion in 2000.
SEC Charges Tenet Healthcare Corporation And Four Former Senior Executives With Concealing Scheme To Meet Earnings Targets By Exploiting Medicare System - Tenet Healthcare Corporation Agrees To Pay $10 Million Penalty To Settle Charges
Date 02/04/2007
The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed civil fraud charges in federal district court against Tenet Healthcare Corporation and its former chief financial officer and co-president, its former chief operating officer and co-president, its former general counsel and chief compliance officer, and its former chief accounting officer for failing to disclose to investors that Tenet's strong earnings growth from 1999 to 2002 was driven largely by its exploitation of a loophole in the Medicare
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. Announces Date Of First-Quarter 2007 Earnings Release, Conference Call
Date 02/04/2007
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: CME) will announce earnings for the first quarter of 2007 before the financial markets open on Tuesday, April 24, 2007. The company has scheduled an investor conference call that day at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time (7:30 a.m. Central time).
Strong Month-End Trading Yields Record Volume At The Minneapolis Grain Exchange
Date 02/04/2007
Deemed by some as the report of the century, the USDA Planting Intentions report released Friday, March 30 spurred an active day of trading at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX or Exchange). Hard red spring wheat futures volume on March 30 was 14,850 contracts, which is the 13th highest daily trading volume in the history of the MGEX. Volume for the month also topped the charts with the highest total volume for March at 115,483 contracts traded.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange November 2009 Canola Listing
Date 02/04/2007
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Inc. will list the November 2009 Canola Futures contract for trade on Tuesday, April 3, 2007.
BOX Rolls Out 97 New Classes
Date 02/04/2007
On Monday April 2, 2007, BOX continued its expansion program by rolling out 97 new classes, to reach a total of 703 classes currently traded on the Exchange. In addition, during coming weeks, BOX will add 200 additional classes for trading (subject to regulatory approval).
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange To Begin Trading Eleven New Options On Tuesday, April 3
Date 02/04/2007
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that it will begin to trade eleven new options on April 3, 2007.
OneChicago Reports March Volume
Date 02/04/2007
OneChicago, LLC today reported that 355,409 security futures contracts traded at the Exchange in March. Average daily volume (ADV) in March 2007 was 16,155 contracts.
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