FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Euronext Postpones Launch Of Winefex® Bordeaux
Date 13/09/2001
As Friday, September 14 is a day of mourning in Europe following the tragic events that have struck the American people, Euronext is postponing the launch of its Winefex® Bordeaux future for a week.
Deutsche Börse And Eurex Call For Three Minutes Silence
Date 13/09/2001
Deutsche Börse and Eurex will observe three minutes silence on Friday at 12.00 a.m. CET responding to the call of the Council of the European Union in light of the tragic events in the United States. The two exchanges have requested market participants not to trade during this period. Trading on Xetra in shares of the indices DAX and MDAX as well as in Neuer Markt shares will be halted for the minutes of mourning.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. To Resume Trading In U.S. Equity Index Products When U.S. Securities Markets Resume Trading, Scheduled For Monday, Sept. 17 - CME Reports Heavy Trading Volume Today, With Nearly 2.5 Million Contracts For First Day Of Resum
Date 13/09/2001
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) today announced that it expects to resume open outcry and electronic trading of its U.S. equity index products on Monday, Sept. 17, coinciding with the expected date that the U.S. securities markets will re-open. The decision to resume trading was coordinated with other U.S. financial markets and regulatory agencies.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. To Resume Trading in U.S. Equity Index Products No Earlier than Friday, Sept. 14 - Clearing House Is Conducting Normal Business Operations
Date 13/09/2001
Trading in U.S. equity index products at Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) is expected to occur no earlier than Friday, the exchange announced today. The decision to resume trading in these products is being coordinated with other U.S. financial markets and regulatory agencies and will be announced as soon as it is determined. Trading of the Nikkei 225 will resume tomorrow in order to accommodate the last trading day of the expiring September contract.
CBOT® To Continue Normal Trading Hours Thursday Evening and Friday, September 14
Date 13/09/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) will continue normal trading hours this evening with the regular opening of its electronic trading system, a/c/e. Both open outcry and electronic markets at the CBOT® opened on time today and functioned well.
CBOT® To Close Trading Of Financial Products At 1:00 P.M., Chicago Time, Today For Open Outcry And Electronic Marketplaces
Date 13/09/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) announced that in conjunction with a recommendation from the Bond Market Association, the CBOT® has revised its trading hours for financial products on September 13 as follows.
CBOT® Announces Trading Hours For Friday, September 14, Stock Index Contracts To Reopen On Monday, September 17
Date 13/09/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) today announced trading hours for its open outcry and electronic trading systems for Friday, September 14. CBOT® stock index contracts are scheduled to reopen for trading on Monday, September 17 in conjunction with the announcement by the New York Stock Exchange that it plans to reopen for trading on that day.
CBOT Trading Silenced In Tribute To Victims Of Terrorists
Date 13/09/2001
Chicago Board of Trade members, floor personnel and staff halted trading for a minute of silence at 11:00 a.m. on September 13, 2001, in a solemn memorial tribute to the people who died in the terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and western Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001. President Vitale also asked all CBOT® staff to pause for a minute to pay tribute to the dead and their grieving families.
CBOE Closed For Trading Thursday
Date 13/09/2001
The Chicago Board Options Exchange, in conjunction with other equity markets, will be closed for trading on Thursday, September 13, 2001.
CBOE Closed For Trading On Friday, September 14
Date 13/09/2001
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), in conjunction with other equity markets, will be closed for trading on Friday, September 14, 2001. At this time, trading is scheduled to resume Monday morning, September 17, at 8:30 am (Chicago time).
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