Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • The National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania To Celebrate Its 8th Anniversary

    Date 14/09/2001

    The National Stock Exchange of Lithuania (NSEL) opened its doors on September 14, 1993, more than 50 years after the last bourse in Lithuania ceased its operations. The rebirth of the Lithuanian securities market and establishment of a stock exchange was brought about by active market economy reforms.

  • The American Stock Exchange Announces Trading Resumption Plans

    Date 14/09/2001

    The American stock Exchange would like to express its most sincere sympathy to all the individuals and families who are suffering and have lost loved ones. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who are suffering during these unimaginably trying times.

  • SGX To Trade All ETFs When US Stock Market Re-opens - Nikkei Normal Opening Hours On Monday

    Date 14/09/2001

    Exchange Traded Funds - SGX will resume trading of its four US-based ETFs on Tue 18 Sep (Singapore time) pending the US stock market re-opening on Mon 17 Sep (New York time). These four ETFs are S&P 500 SPDRsR, DJIA DIAMONDS, iSharesSM S&P 500 Index Fund, and iSharesSM Dow Jones U.S. Technology Sector Index Fund. The other ETF - iSharesSM MSCI Singapore Index Fund - has already been trading since Thur 13 Sep.

  • SGX Continues Trading Of Stock Market, Singapore-based ETF And All Derivatives

    Date 14/09/2001

    SGX Derivatives Market - Following the re-opening of the Taiwan stock market, SGX has resumed trading of MSCI Taiwan futures & options since Thur 13 Sep. With this re-opening, all SGX derivatives products are traded. In line with the Tokyo stock market, opening of Nikkei 225 and Nikkei 300 contracts on Fri 14 Sep will also be delayed, to 0825 hrs & 0830 hrs respectively.

  • SEC Takes Action To Facilitate Reopening Of Fair And Orderly Equities Markets

    Date 14/09/2001

    The Commission today announced that it has taken the following steps to facilitate the planned reopening of U.S. equities markets on Monday, September 17, 2001. These markets are the world's strongest and most vibrant, in spite of the heinous acts of last Tuesday.