Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Instinet Announces November 2002 Transaction Information

    Date 09/12/2002

    Instinet Group Incorporated (NASDAQ: INET) announced today that its U.S. equity share volume in November 2002 was 12,283 million shares.1

  • Financial Effects For OM Following The Creation Of EDX London Together With London Stock Exchange

    Date 09/12/2002

    The creation of the new derivatives business, EDX London, together with London Stock Exchange (see joint release as of today) is expected to have the following financial effects for OM.

  • Euronext.Liffe Succesfully Transfers Amsterdam Derivative Products To Screen Trading

    Date 09/12/2002

    Euronext.liffe announces that it succesfully transferred all Amsterdam futures and options from open outcry trading to screen trading today, completing the migration project three months ahead of schedule. The migration led to a substantial rise in traded volumes. The number of contracts traded increased on average by 79% following the move from open outcry trading to screen trading.

  • EURONEXT Paris SA To Sell Its Stake In STOXX LTD

    Date 09/12/2002

    EURONEXT Paris SA on December 6 signed an agreement in order to sell its stake in the Swiss company STOXX LTD.

  • Deutsche Börse To Work With New Leadership Structure As Of January

    Date 09/12/2002

    As of January 1, 2003, the Deutsche Börse Group is realigning its organization with a new, functional leadership structure. The functional management structure seamlessly reflects the three core functions of the business model - "building" and "operating" trading, clearing and settlement systems as well as "loading" the systems with transactions: Customers/Markets, Operations and Technology/Systems. At the same time, the new structure will complete the full integration of Clearstream into the D

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Focus 34: Portfolio Allocation Among Danish Investors

    Date 09/12/2002

    In issue no. 34 of Focus chief economist John Madsen, Nykredit Markets, submits the results of a systematic survey prepared in cooperation with Greens Institute of Market Research for the fourth time this year.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange To Enter Into A Cooperation Agreement With EDX London

    Date 09/12/2002

    The Exchange will enter into a cooperation agreement with the new derivatives exchange - EDX, London, which the London Stock Exchange and OM have just announced.

  • CBOT Fed Watch

    Date 09/12/2002

    Based upon the December 9 market close, the CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract for the December 2002 expiration is currently pricing in an 11 percent probability that the FOMC will lower the target rate by at least 25 basis points from 1-1/4 percent to one percent at the FOMC meeting on December 10 (versus an 89 percent probability of no rate change).

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 09/12/2002

    Volumes were pitiful and the market lost some ground.

  • HKEx Introduces The Second Phase Of CCASS/3

    Date 08/12/2002

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) will introduce the second phase of CCASS/3, the next generation of the Central Clearing and Settlement System, on Monday, 9 December, following the successful conversion of the system from the Stage-1 to Stage-2 format yesterday (7 December) and today (8 December).