FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Singapore Exchange: 67.7% Of CLOB Shareholdings To Be Migrated Under CLOB Scheme B
Date 03/12/2002
Singapore Exchange today announced that as at 2 December 2002, The Central Depository (CDP) has received authorisation from 4,835 CLOB investors to migrate their CLOB Malaysian securities to their own Malaysian securities account under CLOB Scheme B.
SEC, NYSE, NASD Fine Five Firms Total of $8.25 Million For Failure To Preserve E-Mail Communications
Date 03/12/2002
The Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange and NASD today announced joint actions against five broker-dealers for violations of record-keeping requirements concerning e-mail communications. The firms consented to the imposition of fines totaling $8.25 million, along with a requirement to review their procedures to ensure compliance with record-keeping statutes and rules.
Russian Trading System Order-Driven Market: November Data
Date 03/12/2002
For the month of November, 2002, the Order-driven market total trading volume rose 25% and reached 7 955 million rubles with 800 million shares changing hands (in October these figures equaled 6 367 million and 816 million shares, accordingly). Daily trading volume increased 43.7% to 398 million rubles, or 40 million shares (a 12.7% increase over October's daily trading volume of 35 million shares).
Russian Trading System FORTS: November Data
Date 03/12/2002
In November 2002, 53.6 thousand trades were executed on FORTS (Futures &Options on RTS). Trading volume reached 2.47 million contracts or 10.2 billion rubles in underlying value. The month of October showed 58.2 thousand trades, 2.5 million contracts and 8.5 billion rubles in underlying value. Daily average trading volume grew in November by 13% to 123.5 thousand contracts (or 38% to 511 million rubles in underlying value). On average, derivatives traded 2 577 times daily, a 6%
Russian Trading System Classic Market: November Data
Date 03/12/2002
In November 2002 total trading volume on the Classic Market reached 297 million US dollars compared to 360 million dollars in October. Daily average trading volume totaled 14.8 million US dollars down from 15.7 million in October.
Russian Trading System Bonds: November Data
Date 03/12/2002
For the month of November total trading volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 5 317 million US dollars, a slight loss over October's 5 647 million dollars. Eurobond trading accounted for 2,382 million or 44.7%, of total monthly volume. In November fixed-income securities traded 31 times compared with 39 times in October.
Russian Trading System Board: November Data
Date 03/12/2002
For the month of November total trading volume on the RTS Board reached 2,958 million US dollars, down from 3, 025 million US dollars in October. The participants executed 96 trades compared with 139 trades in October.
Irish Stock Exchange Monthly Statistics - November 2002
Date 03/12/2002
Equity turnover for November was EUR 5,554.26 million while that for bonds was EUR 4,816.34 million.
Instinet Announces $100 Million Cost Reduction Plan
Date 03/12/2002
Instinet Group Incorporated (Nasdaq: INET) announced today a cost reduction plan that targets a reduction in operating costs of $100 million, on an annualized basis, by the end of 2003.
DSND Subsea ASA - Delisting From Oslo Børs
Date 03/12/2002
DSND Subsea ASA has applied for a delisting from Oslo Børs after the compulsory transfer of shares executed by DSND Inc. Based on the application, and the fact that the company after the compulsory transfer of shares no longer satisfies the requirements for listing (share distribution requirement), Oslo Børs has decided that a delisting is justified.
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