Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange Board Of Governors Authorizes PHLX Management To Pursue Demutualization Plan For The Exchange

    Date 12/12/2002

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange announced today that at last night's year-end meeting of the Board of Governors, PHLX Chairman and CEO, Meyer "Sandy" Frucher was authorized to pursue the development of a plan to demutualize the Exchange - converting it from its current membership structure to a shareholder-owned, for-profit corporation.

  • NYSE Appoints Bryant W. Seaman III As Group Executive Vice President, International

    Date 12/12/2002

    The New York Stock Exchange has appointed Bryant W. Seaman III as group executive vice president, International, effective immediately. Mr. Seaman, 49, who has extensive experience in global investment banking and corporate finance, will report to Robert G. Britz, president, co-chief operating officer and executive vice chairman.

  • Nymex to Change Margin Rates For Some Natural Gas Basis Contracts

    Date 12/12/2002

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will change the margins on its San Juan; Southern California; Transco Zone 6, Northwest Pipeline, Rockies; and Texas Eastern Zone M-3 natural gas basis swaps contracts, as of the close of business tomorrow.

  • NYBOT Euro/Japanese Yen Contract Sets New Volume Record

    Date 12/12/2002

    The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®)announced today that its Euro/Japanese yen futures contract set an all-new dailyvolume record of 9,487 contracts on Monday, December 9, 2002. The new high replaces the old record of 8,958 contracts set on Thursday, March 14, 2002.

  • NYBOT Announces Revised CSCE Christmas Holiday Schedule

    Date 12/12/2002

    The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today the Board of Managers of the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange revised the Christmas holiday trading schedule for its Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa markets to be open on December 24, Christmas Eve, and closed on December 26, Boxing Day.

  • NYBOT Announces Contingency Plans In Case Of New York City Transit Strike

    Date 12/12/2002

    In order to ensure the orderly continuity of its markets and the marketplace as a whole, the New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today its Contingency Plans in the event of a transit strike in New York City:

  • New York Mercantile Exchange Announces Plans For OTC Trading Platform

    Date 12/12/2002

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced plans to introduce a trading platform designed for over-the-counter (OTC) energy market participants in January, with beta tests beginning next week.

  • National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Monthly Report November 2002

    Date 12/12/2002

    On 8 November the Ministry of Agriculture transferred to the State Property Fund state-owned shares of the Current List alcoholic beverage companies Stumbras, Vilniaus Degtinë, Alita, and Anykèèiø Vynas. Privatisation programmes of those companies are to be announced at the beginning of 2003.

  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistical Report November 2002

    Date 12/12/2002

    Turnover The total turnover on all market segments of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange (LJSE) in November 2002 reached SIT 40.33 billion, which was by SIT 12.3 billion less than in October 2002. If compared to November 2001, the turnover increased by SIT 104 million. In 2002,the sum turnover has already reached the level of SIT 419.0 billion -in average SIT 38.1 billion per month, or 31%more than the average monthly turnover of the ear before. The total in this ear 's turnover has b

  • IPE Gas Oil Futures Sets New Daily Record

    Date 12/12/2002

    The International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), today announced that IPE Gas Oil futures set a new daily record of 68,898 lots on Wednesday 11 December 2002.