Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SFE Trading Newsletter December 2002

    Date 16/12/2002

    Welcome to the final edition of the SFE Trading Newsletter for 2002. Some of the highlights include: An update on the Government Review of the Commonwealth Government Securities market; Enhancements to the SFE's Options products in 2002; Positive market reaction to the new Block Trade Facility; Customer growth in the US market; The launch of SFE's interest rate Swap Futures and the appointment of an Official Market Maker.

  • Pacific Exchange: PSE Technology Index Remains Best Benchmark For Sector

    Date 16/12/2002

    The Pacific Exchange's PSE Technology Index strengthened is position as the leading benchmark for the broad-based technology sector, with the announcement that more than a dozen technology stocks will be dropped from the Nasdaq 100 Index.

  • OneChicago Trading Hours And Calendar

    Date 16/12/2002

    Normal trading hours for OneChicago are Monday through Friday 9:15 AM - 4:02 PM Eastern time. Confirmation of special schedules for holidays and other events will be announced as each date approaches.

  • NYBOT: Adoption Of CSCE Margin Resolution No. 3

    Date 16/12/2002

    Effective Wednesday, December 18, 2002, CSCE Margin Resolution No. 3 will be implemented. The Resolution requires CSCE's Clearing and Margin Committee to set margin requirements which are not less than the minimum margin required by the Clearing Corporation. The Resolution codifies an existing practice followed by the Committee.

  • Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Market Liquidity And Investor Confidence Key To Managing Emerging Markets

    Date 16/12/2002

    Exchanges in emerging markets need to manage issues of market liquidity and investor confidence to attract investor capital.