Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOT December 02 Swaps Contracts Settle

    Date 16/12/2002

    The CBOT® 5-Year and 10-Year Interest Rate Swap futures contracts for December 2002 were cash settled December 16th at the following final settlement prices: CBOT 5-Year Swaps: 111-9.5/32nds or 111-095 CBOT 10-Year Swaps: 111-20.25/32nds or 111-202

  • BrokerTec Futures Exchange: Christmas and New Year's Day Holidays

    Date 16/12/2002

    BrokerTec Futures Exchange (BTEX) will close for trading of all futures contracts on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. (New York time).

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 16/12/2002

    The market closed virtually flat but it was a roller coaster ride for Barclays. It first lost 20t to P13.80 and then skyrocketed to P14.75 before settling at P14.00 to close unchanged on 157,400 shares.

  • Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics November 2002

    Date 16/12/2002

    Riga In November Riga Stock Exchange total trading volume amounted to EUR 26.2 million. Equity trading volume of EUR 13.71 million surpassed debt trading, which was EUR 12.49 million. The two top equities in terms of trading volume were Latvijas kuìniecîba with EUR 7.4 million and Venstpils nafta with EUR 4 million; while Grindeks with EUR 1.64 million turned out be number three. Latvijas Gâze with EUR 356.37 million continued to be the top company in terms of capitalisation, to be

  • Nymex To Raise Margins On Natural Gas Futures, Henry Hub Natural Gas Swaps, Natural Gas e-miNYs

    Date 14/12/2002

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced margin rate changes on the first two months of its natural gas futures and Henry Hub natural gas swaps, and on its natural gas e-miNY contracts as of the close of business Monday, December 16.