FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index: 92,144.42 +1,257.65
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Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices
Date 28/04/2003
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index change effective after the close of business on Tuesday, April 29, 2003: The relative weight of H&R Real Estate Investment Trust (TSX: HR.UN) will increase by approximately 0.08% in the S&P/TSX Canadian Income Trust Index and by approximately 0.34% in the S&P/TSX Canadian REIT Index. The relative weight change reflects an adjustment to the float trust units of the income trust due to the issuance of new units.
Speech by SEC Chairman: Prepared For Delivery At SEC Press Conference Regarding Global Settlement
Date 28/04/2003
I am pleased to be here with some of the many people -- from the SEC, the New York Attorney General's Office, the NASD, the New York Stock Exchange, and the North American Securities Administrators Association and its member states -- who have worked so hard to bring to fruition the enforcement actions and settlements we announce today. These cases are an important milestone in our ongoing effort both to address serious abuses that have taken place in our markets and to restore investor confiden
RTS Order-Driven Market: Weekly Data April 21st- April 25th
Date 28/04/2003
For the week of April 21st - April 25th, 2003, securities traded on the Order-driven market 5 818 times. Total trading volume equaled 129 million shares, or 1 985 million rubles in underlying value. Internet trading accounted for 24% of total weekly trading volume.
RTS FORTS: Weekly Data April 21st- April 25th
Date 28/04/2003
For the week of April 21st- April 25th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) increased by 11% to 805 thousand contracts (the ruble increase equals 14%, from 3 486 million rubles to 3 972 million rubles in underlying value). The number of trades reached 17 210, compared with 17 954 trades the week before. Total open interest as of April 25th, 2003, stood at 239 thousand contracts or 2 265 million rubles in underlying value, compared with 467 thousand c
RTS Classic Market: Weekly Data April 21st- April 25th
Date 28/04/2003
For the week of April 21st -April 25th, 2003, the RTS Index gained 6.84% and closed at 430.39. The RTS Technical Index increased by 6.70% and reached 473.86.
RTS Bonds: Weekly Data April 21st- April 25th
Date 28/04/2003
For the week of April 21st- April 25th, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, increased by 75%, from 845 thousand US dollars to 1 477 thousand US dollars. Bonds traded in the system 31 times, a 107% gain on the week.
Oslo Børs Holding ASA 1st Quarter 2003 Results
Date 28/04/2003
Oslo Børs Holding ASA achieved a first-quarter post-tax profit of NOK 10.3 (13.1) million. The decline in profit is caused by lower revenues than the same period in 2002. Lower revenues is partly compensated by lower operating costs.
Oslo Børs And VPS In talks
Date 28/04/2003
Reference is made to press release from VPS (The Norwegian Central Securities Depository) of 27 April, where it is stated that VPS and Oslo Børs are in non-committal talks about a possible closer cooperation between the two companies.
OneChicago Week In Review
Date 28/04/2003
Welcome to the first edition of the OneChicago Week In Review, a short weekly update on the security futures markets.
London Stock Exchange Appoints Director Of Market Services
Date 28/04/2003
The London Stock Exchange today announced the appointment of Martin Graham to a new senior post of Director of Market Services, reporting to Chief Executive Clara Furse
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