FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
National Stock Exchange of Lithuania 1st Quarter 2003 Report
Date 30/04/2003
During the first months of this year, trading on the Stock Exchange was following traditional lines: securities' turnover peaked in March and hit the bottom level in February. Market vitality resulted from such factors as the previous year's positive economic indices, adoption by the Government of alcohol and shipping companies' privatisation programmes, setting of compensation for residents for the remaining real estate being redeemed by the state in the form of shares of four companies, anno
More Transparency For The Market Following The UK Financial Services Authority's Short Selling Review
Date 30/04/2003
The FSA today announced the conclusions of its consultation on short selling, setting out a package of measures to improve the information available to the market. CRESTCo, the UK securities settlement system, has agreed to publish aggregate stock lending data for FTSE 350 securities on a monthly basis, starting in the summer. Feedback from respondents suggested that this solution was the most favoured option for improving transparency.
MICEX Exchange Council Adopts The Rules Of Concluding Deposit Transactions Of The Bank Of Russia With Banking Organizations In The MICEX System Of Electronic Trades
Date 30/04/2003
The MICEX Exchange Council has adopted the "Rules of concluding deposit transactions of the Bank of Russia with banking organizations, using the MICEX System of electronic trades", worked out jointly by the Bank of Russia and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX).
HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts
Date 30/04/2003
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Friday, 2 May 2003, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the attached table. The adjustments are based on the clearing company's normal procedures
Eurex Enhances Efficiency And Flexibility In Clearing - Sector-Based Risk Management Has Definite Cost-Related Advantages For Eurex Clients - Eurex Accepts Fixed-Income ETF As Clearing Collateral
Date 30/04/2003
Eurex, the international derivatives market, will further enhance efficiency in the netting of risks for derivatives transactions, so-called cross margining, as well as flexibility by expanding the depositable collateral. The world's largest derivatives market announced this on Tuesday. As of June 2, 2003, offsetting risks from positions in derivatives on equities and indices in the same sector will be netted in the calculation of margin payments. Bundling the margin collateral reduces the margi
Council Of The Heads Of Governments Of CIS Countries Approves The Decision Of IAE CIS And The MICEX To Cooperate In The Creation Of An Integrated Currency Market Of CIS Member States
Date 30/04/2003
Recognizing that the creation of an integrated currency market is a priority task, the Council of the heads of governments of CIS countries adopted 25 April, 2003, a document called "On cooperation and coordination of activities of CIS member states in the creation of CIS integrated currency market". The Council also adopted the organizational principles of CIS integrated currency market.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Delayed Implementation Of MSCI And S&P's New GICS Classification
Date 30/04/2003
The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) will be revised by MSCI and Standard & Poor's as of 1 May 2003. The consistency changes for the classification of the Danish companies as a result of the review should have been made at the same time, which we announced in a press release on 28 February 2003.
CME, CBOT Brief Clearing Firms On Benefits Of CME/CBOT Common Clearing Link
Date 30/04/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) this week began briefing their clearing member firms on the benefits of the CME/CBOT Common Clearing Link and estimated collateral savings which may reach 90 percent for interest rate and equity index products.
Closure Of SGX America
Date 30/04/2003
SGX will close its liaison office in New York with effect from 1 June 2003. The decision is in line with the exchange's efforts to streamline operations and maintain cost efficiencies. With this move, the New York office's liaison function will be carried out from Singapore. Click here for more info.
ASX Quarterly Update Nine months To 31 March 2003
Date 30/04/2003
Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) today announced an unaudited operating profit after tax of $46.0 million for the nine months to 31 March 2003, an increase of 6.0% when compared with $43.4 million recorded for the corresponding nine months to 31 March 2002.
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