Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: Weekly Market Data

    Date 29/09/2003

    For the week of September 22nd – September 26th, 2003, the RTS Index inched up 1.36 points and closed at 554.32 while the RTS Technical Index rose 1.51 percent, from 599.80 to 608.86.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Market Data

    Date 29/09/2003

    RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Market Data For the week of September 22nd- September 26th, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, equaled 49 243 dollars, compared with 3 662 thousand rubles the week before. One trade was registered, up from three trades the previous week.

  • OneChicago Week In Review

    Date 29/09/2003

    Liquidity and Volume Highlights The OneChicago marketplace continues to demonstrate that sizeable trades get done at a trader's single limit price: On September 25, of the 3,387 DEC03 Verizon (VZ1C) contracts traded, 3,287 were filled at one price.

  • OMHEX's Extended Offer To The Shareholders Of HEX

    Date 29/09/2003

    On August 27, 2003, the Board of Directors of OM HEX AB ("OMHEX") resolved to extend the exchange offer ("Offer") to the shareholders in HEX Plc ("HEX"), for the purpose of enabling those shareholders who had not yet tendered their shares to accept the Offer. The extended Offer period expired at 4:00 pm Finnish time on September 25, 2003.

  • NZAX Market Off To Good Start With Accreditation Of Nine NZX Sponsors

    Date 29/09/2003

    New Zealand Exchange Limited (NZX) is delighted to announce the accreditation of the first nine NZX Sponsors. ABN AMRO Craigs Limited, Cimino & Partners Limited, Forsyth Barr Limited, Giffney & Jones, Greenslades Limited, KPMG Corporate Finance, Macquarie Equities New Zealand Limited, Morel & Co Limited, and Quigg Partners make up this initial group. In addition, we are currently considering a further two applications.

  • NYSE Webcasts Media Briefing: 09/29/03 At 5:30 PM

    Date 29/09/2003

    The New York Stock Exchange held a media briefing on Monday, September 29, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. EST with John S. Reed, NYSE Interim Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange: SBI 20 Again Reached Its Historical Record

    Date 29/09/2003

    On Monday, 29 September 2003, the LJSE's blue-chip index SBI 20 reached its historical high at 3,600.47 points, having climbed by 0.44% in comparison to the day before. The previous record high of the index was registered on 25 September 2003, at 3,586.86 points.

  • International Securities Exchange: AEM To Serve As PMM In Bin Four

    Date 29/09/2003

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said that Adirondack Electronic Markets LLC (AEM) will serve as Primary Market Maker (PMM) in bin 4, effective October 1.

  • HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts

    Date 29/09/2003

    Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 2 October 2003, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the clearing company's normal procedures and standard margining methodology.

  • Futures & Options On The RTS Stock Exchange: Weekly Market Data

    Date 29/09/2003

    For the week of September 22nd-September 26th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on the RTS) reached 646 thousand contracts and 5 060 million rubles, compared with 594 thousand contracts and 5 159 million rubles the week before. Total open interest as of September 26th, 2003, equaled 2 739 million rubles and 573 thousand contracts (as of September 19th, 2003, the numbers were 2 698 million rubles and 428 thousand contracts).