FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Euronext.liffe Announces A Further 25 Universal Stock Futures
Date 23/09/2003
Euronext.liffe has announced that it will list a further 25 Universal Stock Futures from Monday 27 October 2003.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Focus: Optimism Prevails And Pushes Share Prices Towards New Highs This Year - But Danger Lurks Ahead
Date 23/09/2003
Very few things seem to be able to spoil the convivial atmosphere on the equity markets these days. In Focus no. 64 Equity Analyst Bjørn Schwarz, Sydbank Markets, looks at the motivations for the growing expectations and stresses the risks that may threaten an upswing.
CME, UIC To Sponsor MBA Program With Renmin University Of China - Exchange to Donate Finance And Risk Management Book Collection To Renmin University
Date 23/09/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME), the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Renmin (People's) University of China (RUC) today announced that they will co-sponsor a new Master of Business Administration degree program with a focus on Financial Risk Management and Investments (MBA/FRMI) for Chinese students.
CME To List Weather Contracts On Five European Cities Oct. 3 - CME Also Will Expand Listings for U.S.-based Contracts with Five Monthly Contracts and Seven Seasonal Contracts Beginning Sept. 26
Date 23/09/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) today announced that it will list weather products on five European cities beginning Friday, Oct. 3, 2003. In addition, CME will expand the number of U.S. cities covered by its weather derivatives, adding monthly contracts for five cities and seasonal contracts for seven cities, beginning Friday, Sept. 26, 2003.
CBOT U.S. Weekly Soybean Export Update
Date 23/09/2003
Today's delayed weekly export sales of 21.7 million bu. and the USDA announcing 165,000 tonne sale of U.S. soybeans to China before the opening is likely to keep this market firm. With this year's export pace 33% above 2002 and 43% stronger than 5-yr average sales rate for this early date of marketing year, concerns about further tightening of the already small 2003-04 ending stocks of 135 million bu is mounting
CBOE And Amex Agree To Develop Mutual Back-Up Trading Arrangements In The Event Of Trading Interruption
Date 23/09/2003
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the American Stock Exchange (Amex) announced today that they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop back-up trading arrangements in the event they are unable to operate from their respective trading facilities. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is reviewing how the markets and the Commission need to respond to future catastrophic events, and has expressed the belief that enhanced planning and intermarket coordi
American Stock Exchange And Philadelphia Stock Exchange Agree To Develop Mutual Back-Up Trading Arrangements In The Event Of Trading Interruption
Date 23/09/2003
The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop back-up trading arrangements in the event they are unable to operate from their respective trading facilities. The Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") is reviewing how the markets and the Commission need to respond to future catastrophic events, and has expressed the belief that enhanced planning and intermarket coordin
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Deliverable Bonds And Conversion Factors Of JGB Futures (5-year, 10-year & 20-year) As Of September 22, 2003
Date 22/09/2003
The deliverable bonds and conversion factors of JGB Futures (5-year, 10-year & 20-year) can be accessed by clicking here and here.
RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market: Weekly Market Data
Date 22/09/2003
For the period of September 15th - September 19th, 2003, total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) totaled 3 773 million rubles, compared with 2 643 million the week of September 8th - September 12th, 2003). Internet trading accounted for 30% of total trading volume, down from 34% the week before. 4 453 transactions were closed, up from 3 830 transactions last week.
RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: Weekly Market Data
Date 22/09/2003
For the week of September 15th - September 19th, 2003, the RTS Index inched up 0.6 points and closed at 546.86 while the RTS Technical Index rose 0.53 percent, from 596.64 to 599.80.
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