FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
London Stock Exchange: TD Waterhouse Orders 125 Proquote Screens
Date 19/09/2003
Proquote Limited, the London Stock Exchange's trading system and market data business, announced today that it has secured one of its largest ever contracts, selling 125 screens to broker TD Waterhouse.
Korea Stock Exchange To Hold A Global Investors Conference
Date 19/09/2003
The Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) will host the fourth global investors conference in Hong Kong, London, and New York from Sep. 25 to Oct. 1, 2003.
CBOT: September Dow Settles At 9684.26
Date 19/09/2003
The Special Opening Quotation (SOQ) used to settle the September 2003 CBOT® Dow Jones Industrial Average Futures and CBOT mini-sized DowSM futures is 9684.26. Click here for more detailed information regarding settlement of DowSM Fu
CBOT Trading Schedule For Columbus Day Holiday
Date 19/09/2003
The Chicago Board of Trade has established the following trading schedule in connection with the Columbus Day holiday: Friday, October 10Open auction: Financial contracts will close at 12:00 p.m. All other open auction contracts (Agricultural and Stock Index) will close at their normal times.Electronic trading: Financial and Metals contracts will close at 12:30 p.m. All other electronic trading will close at its normal times.
Appointment Of Carlo Corradini As A Member Of The Board Of Borsa Italiana
Date 19/09/2003
On Thursday 17 September the Board of Borsa Italiana has appointed Carlo Corradini as one of its members.
American Stock Exchange Reports Increase In Short Interest
Date 19/09/2003
The American Stock Exchange (Amex) member and non-member organizations today reported short interest of 742,979,773 shares as of the September 15 settlement date, an increase of 14,980,882 from the 727,998,891 (adjusted) shares reported in mid-August. The September figure represents trades through September 10, 2003.
TSX Venture Exchange Summary - August 2003
Date 18/09/2003
The following is a brief overview of statistic highlights from the TSX Venture Exchange for August 2003.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Announcement Of Change In TOPIX Calculation Methodology
Date 18/09/2003
The following index calculation methodology will be applied to new listing of spun-off company upon the company split
SWX, SIS Segaintersettle And Clearstream To Simplify Crossborder Settlement Of German Mortgage Bonds
Date 18/09/2003
In a joint communication by SWX Swiss Exchange and the two settlement organisations SIS SegaInterSettle and Clearstream, the three partner organisations announced today plans to simplify the crossborder settlement of German mortgage bonds traded at SWX Swiss Exchange. With effect from autumn 2003, trades in German mortgage bonds settled between SIS SegaInterSettle and Clearstream will be considered national transactions instead of crossborder trades and, consequently, the lower, domesti
Stock Exchange Of Thailand To Educate Related Parties Before Inaugurating The Trading Of Listed Companies' Bonds
Date 18/09/2003
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) will soon provide an alternative for investors by trading bonds issued by listed companies. The bond trading is expected to be available at the end of October. There will be educational plans for all related parties. A meeting for member companies was held in early September, while listed companies will meet in a seminar on September 24. Investors can find more information from www.set.or.th, to learn more from the e-learning system at www.tsi-thailand.org, o
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