Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NASD Kicks Off Mediation Settlement Month - Lower Mediation Prices For October

    Date 24/09/2003

    NASD announced that its annual Mediation Settlement Month event will take place this October, offering parties special incentives to try mediation as an alternative to arbitration. Parties that mediate cases in the NASD forum during October will be able to do so in any of NASD's mediation locations at significantly reduced rates.

  • ISE To List Four Options Classes

    Date 24/09/2003

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said that three equity options classes and one ETF would be listed for trading on Thursday. Options on iShares Lehman 20+ Year Treasury Bond Fund (TLT), which were allocated to Knight Financial Products, will trade in bin 1 on a March expiration cycle with position and exercise limits of 31,500 contracts. Options on VaxGen, Inc. (VXGN), which were allocated to Knight Financial Products, will trade in bin 1 on a February expiration c

  • IPE Restores Open Outcry Markets Following Technical Problems

    Date 24/09/2003

    The IPE, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange, suffered a system failure during Tuesday evening which caused a delay to the opening of Wednesday's electronic and open outcry markets.

  • HKEx: Highest Main Board Turnover In 2003

    Date 24/09/2003

    The following statistics are made available by the HKEx in response to media enquiries.

  • HKEx Market Statistics August 2003

    Date 24/09/2003

    Please click here for the highest main board turnover in 2003.