Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • New participant On SWX: Kleinwort Benson Securities Limited (Dresdner Kleinwort Benson)

    Date 01/12/2000

    The SWX Swiss Exchange has accepted Kleinwort Benson Securities Limited (Dresdner Kleinwort Benson), London, as a participant. The new participant will commence trading activities on the SWX platform on Monday, 4 December 2000.

  • Minneapolis Wheat Posts Record Daily Trading Volume

    Date 01/12/2000

    Hard red spring wheat futures posted record trading volume on Wednesday, November 29, 2000. A total of 13,489 contracts traded. Open interest in hard red spring wheat futures stands at 22,824 contracts. The previous daily volume record, established February 25, 2000, was 11,450 contracts.

  • London Stock Exchange Welcomes New European Members

    Date 01/12/2000

    London Stock Exchange plc is pleased to welcome three new broking firms to the Exchange: IMC International Market Makers Combination BV - Amsterdam Fimatex SA - France Neonet Securities - Sweden

  • KLOFFE Launches KLSE CI Options Contracts - Speech By Executive Chairman Of KLOFFE, Encik Ramli Ibrahim

    Date 01/12/2000

    Good morning, members of the Board of KLOFFE, senior management of KLSE, members of the press, industry associates, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the Board and Management of KLOFFE, I would like to welcome you to this historical moment at KLOFFE- that is the launching of our second product – the KLSE CI Options Contract today.

  • KCBT Near New Annual Volume Record At Start Of December

    Date 01/12/2000

    Last month was the largest-volume November in the history of the Kansas City Board of Trade, keeping the exchange on target to set a new annual trading record in the next few days. At the close of trade November 30, the exchange had traded 2,508,782 contracts. In 1999 the exchange traded 2,524,376 contracts, a difference of only 15,594 contracts with a month of trading left in the year. Wheat futures year-to-date trading volume was at 2,284,532 contracts at the close of trade November 30, leavin