Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • The Borsa Italiana Group Will Observe One Minute's Silence Tomorrow, September 11th

    Date 10/09/2003

    Borsa Italiana, Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia, Monte Titoli as well as the other Group companies will commemorate the second anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 tragedy observing one minute's silence at 2.46 pm (CET) tomorrow, September 11th.

  • Stock Exchange Of Thailand To Take Nine Listed Companies To London, New York, And Boston On A Roadshow From September 15-18

    Date 10/09/2003

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), in collaboration with Citigroup, will hold 'Thailand Emerging Opportunities Day' from September 15-18, 2003, taking nine leading listed companies to meet first hand over 200 institutional investors in London, New York, and Boston. They will have opportunities to provide information and respond to the increasing demand shown in the Thai market.

  • RTS - First Major ISV To Conform To e-cbot®

    Date 10/09/2003

    RTS Realtime Systems Group is pleased to announce that it is the first major Independent Software Vendor (ISV) to have passed full conformance for the Chicago Board of Trade's new electronic trading platform e-cbot® powered by the LIFFE CONNECT®.

  • New Zealand Exchange: August 2003 Operating Metrics Released

    Date 10/09/2003

    NZX has released its August operating metrics. The metrics give a monthly update on NZX's operations and performance, covering measurements such as total market capitalisation, monthly value traded, and numbers of listed issuers and quoted securities.

  • New Exchange-traded Funds (ETFs) On The SWX Swiss Exchange

    Date 10/09/2003

    Two new products have been listed in the exchange-traded funds segment of the SWX Swiss Exchange, taking the total to 16. The two new funds are: DJ EURO STOXX 50SMEX from INDEXCHANGE Investment AG, based on the DJ Euro STOXX 50 index. The trading currency is euros. et du DJ STOXX 50SMEX from INDEXCHANGE Investment AG, based

  • Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) To Observe Four One-Minute Moments Of Silence

    Date 10/09/2003

    The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) will observe one-minute moments of silence at 7:46 a.m., 8:03 a.m., 8:59 a.m. and 9:29 a.m. on Thursday, September 11th in recognition of the events that occurred on September 11, 2001.

  • KCBT Observes Two Moments Of Silence

    Date 10/09/2003

    The Kansas City Board of Trade will be observing two moments of silence tomorrow, September 11, in observance of the second anniversary of the events that occurred on September 11, 2001: one at 8:59 a.m. CT and one at 9:29 a.m. CT. The delays are in accordance with other U.S. financial and commodities exchanges.

  • Hon. Rudy Giuliani, CFTC Chairman Newsome, And Others Visit NYBOT's New Headquarters To Celebrate Its Return To Lower Manhattan

    Date 10/09/2003

    The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) welcomed today former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani, CFTC Chairman James Newsome and others to its new facilities at One North End Avenue. The day started with the dignitaries opening NYBOT's sugar and coffee markets, and culminated with a press conference where several speakers involved in NYBOT's historic move talked about the significance of the exchange's return to lower Manhattan.

  • HKEx Today's Board Meeting

    Date 10/09/2003

    In response to media enquiries on the issue of today's (Wednesday) board meeting, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited issued the following statement:

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange Focus: Mortgage Loans With Interest-Only Options

    Date 10/09/2003

    In Focus no. 63 Senior Analyst Henrik Arp and Chief Analyst Jens Peter Sørensen, Danske Bank, take a closer look at mortgage loans with interest-only options, describing the different products and bond series opened by Realkredit Danmark and Nykredit.